Director's Cheat P*ssed Me Off! [Spoilers]
Not a terrible movie, though a bit hard to watch; cinematography not the best, and there are major leaps of logic in the entire premise.
...another damn movie with a cinematic cheat and cliched jump scare that just took me out of it.
When she escapes from the padded room and her stalker and runs down long...really long...totally deserted hallways with no one in the camera's sight, then she makes it outside and hides behind the tank...and OF COURSE, that's precisely where her stalker is waiting, with a hammer or something that he conveniently picked up along the way! No indication at all that he somehow got out of the padded room (I thought she stole the key, but evidently not), nor that he was chasing her through those long, long halls, which were obviously empty in every direction. He just magically appears right where she seeks refuge!
And don't gimme any of that "well, he knew the hospital well enough (how long had he worked there? I mean, she JUST checked in and he must've JUST killed the nurse he conveniently replaced!) to take different hallways, and he knew she would head for that tank, and he could've had the tool/weapon in his back pocket" crap!
So Soderbergh just goes for the cliched director cheats after all.