Some typical Woody things I noticed ...
The first thing noticeable in this new movie is another lead actor playing Woody Allen and how they articulate their Woody Allenisms. There is something about Timothy Challomette (sp?) that I don't like. He just puts me off like some actors and actresses do, just a personal thing. But I have to say in his new skin as Woody Allen it kind of got through to me in a funny, of course, way.
I am getting so used to seeing new Woody that doesn't hit the mark that I was prepared for a movie that puts me to sleep. To be honest, it did put me to sleep, but only because I started watching it at about 3 in the morning. Woke up and started watching it again.
All the fluff and Woodyisms aside, I think Woody is inspired in this movie and he covers it up until the last third of the movie until the introduction of a high-class call girl that one meets in the fancy bar of a fancy hotel, I suppose, sitting alone waiting for someone to hit on them. More than a few Woody movies have intersected with the oldest profession and it usually is there to make a point.
But the references to the Woody side of the character seem satirical as in this hotel bar Challenmet obviously been drinking and orders a double. When the waiter looks askance he says, no worries I won't be operating any farm machinery, a typical throwaway line that Woody would say, thrown away as the waiter just ignores him and walks away. Meaning that Woody has a sense of humor about himself. Also highlighted in his recent autobiography.
But the point was that now there are quite a selection of movies where someone is playing the character of Woody Allen in the character of a character in the Woody Allen movie - and Challumay does it entertainingly.