Really enjoyed this one

Finally got around to seeing it, wish I had seen it in the theatre. It was very different from what I expected, but I really dug the vibe.
DiCaprio and Pitt were hilarious.
The Manson camp was creepy as fuck.
The ending was unexpectedly wonderful.
Kind of a bittersweet fantasy, because we all know the tragic reality of what actually occurred regarding Sharon Tate. And there was a palpable dread leading up to the end, because I thought I knew what to expect. But then!
Well, you know how it ends. So perfectly zany and off the wall.
Highly recommended for a late night watch. I had bourbon as company, but I’m sure you could go with an herbal friend and have just as much fun.


Gave this a rewatch the other day, and gave it two more watches after that because dammit if it just made me feel so good!
A wonderful slice of life picture.


It's a modern classic.


I love this movie too. My favorite movie from 2019 along with the movie 1917. Wish I could have seen either one of these movies in the cinema.


Could have been a lot more interesting than it was. Other than the hippy bits I just found it boring and bogged down in scenes that are too long and go nowhere. One of his weakest movies.


A wonderful love letter to 1960s Hollywood. I just wanted to be there. Terrific film. One of Tarantino's best.
