One of Tarantino’s worst films

If it wasn’t for the last 20 minutes it would be Death Proof bad. It’s so god damn slow. Literally nothing happens. There’s zero plot. The acting, the setting, the camera work, the dialogue are all top notch but NOTHING HAPPENS until the end.


You weren't paying attention, or it was too deep for you. Either way, fear not, there are many, many films playing right now that don't require thinking to appreciate.


Ahh the ol you’re not smart enough to get it defense. There’s nothing to get. It was 2 hours and 45 minutes of QT jerking off to a long ago era in Hollywood and filmmaking. ZERO PLOT


Have it your way.


So if we enjoyed it, what does that make us. Coming on here and complaining about the movie without giving any reasons for your opinion just means that the movie did go over your head. It is OK. Doesn't make you dumb, but it does possibly make you someone who is conditioned to how Hollywood movies are now. You want every movie to follow a specific structure that is to your liking and when you are presented something that is a little different, you reject it.


Even if he’s right, and it’s QT’s worst film, it still puts it above most of the current movies.


So true.


He should have watched Endgame or Stuber, or any of the myriad films that have a very surface-level, easily grasped plot. Because honestly, read what he wrote in his brief, but telling, post: "It’s so god damn slow. Literally nothing happens. There’s zero plot." He openly admits that he isn't bright enough to get it. This isn't an opinion thing. There was a deep and complex plot. Had he written that he simply didn't like it, that's one thing, but what he wrote is the equivalent of someone posting in the Endgame forum "It sucked because it didn't have Captain America."


The movie is more character driven, slice of life; but, that doesn't mean that there wasn't a plot or a point to the movie. That is the problem with people who go to movies now; they need a plot that is formulaic and familiar. If the plot goes outside of their comfort zone than they reject it. It isn't totally their fault either since Hollywood has conditioned moviegoers to accept a certain formula so that Hollywood doesn't have to work very hard to present quality films.


What your saying is very logical. I don’t understand why people come here to complain about this film. I watch several movies a week and many times I don’t think they are that great. I usually only post here about films I like. Somehow Tarantino is quite polarizing and people feel like they must comment.


It's one thing to post about a film you dislike if you want to have a discussion about why you disliked it, but many people seem to want to come to the boards simply to say they hated a film. Or, in the case of the originator of this thread, to openly admit the film went over your head.


Wow. Some Tarantino mouskateers wont let any legitimate criticism of their eminence enter their little safe zones lol.


"I didn't understand the plot" isn't a very legitimate criticism, is it? I'm happy to discuss films all day with people, whether we agree or disagree is beside the point, it's the trolls that bore me.


He said it had zero plot and if you are familiar w QT's last efforts it is a legitimate pt. Must be legitimate too and hit a nerve as all you can do is attack the messenger.

good luck either way.


Do you agree that the film had zero plot?


I wouldn't doubt it based on his last few clunkers. I am not going to even pay to see it. Will even wait until it hits Crave tv lol.


Hit a nerve? Attack the messenger? I don't think you understood what I wrote. I am opposed to him trolling the boards, end of story. I have no connection or attachment to Quentin Tarantino, nor any personal stake in any of this. I've just seen the OP post elsewhere, and it's always the same thing-- trolling. Being rude hoping someone will take the bait.

My response to his post was to point out that the film clearly, inarguably, without dispute, has a deep and complex plot. Were he to have said he didn't like the plot, that would be one thing, but to pretend it has no plot, well... that's trolling. As soon as he replied with a rude, vulgar response, I politely excused myself from the discussion.


Not quite the way the exchange reads above but I don't want to deliberate on this.


He's entitled to his opinion, and the fact he thinks it's one Tarantino's worst is only his opinion. I quite it enjoyed, but yes it's on the slow side, it's very character driver and dialogue based. It's not for everyone. Some people have no attention span and can't enjoy anything without an explosion every 10 seconds. Better off watching some Michael Bay films, some Fast and Furious, or some Avengers in that case


He is entitled to his opinion, but this is a discussion board and not a place to just make a short statement and leave. If you really want to get a message out to people on this site, then at least put in some effort. Making some generic statement is just strange.


Stop trying to enforce your own set of message board rules. You’re not in charge here.


He is entitled to an opinion. You don't need to write a term paper to say a movie is slow. Seems it really hits the nerves of the blind, terminally loyal Tarantino booster club members though.


He doesn't need to write a term paper, but slowness is in the eye of the beholder. JimmyStrudel can have a valid opinion, but the terminally loyal Tarantino booster club can't have one? I am not the most loyal of the bunch either, because his last 3 movies weren't as great as what came before. The latest movie is really one of the better of his movies IMO.



It doesn’t make you anything. Did I ever once imply anything else on my previous posts? I never once insulted someone for liking this unlike FilmBuff who took it upon himself to cyber bully me for having a different opinion than his. He’s lucky I don’t contact the authorities of this message board.


Cyber bully? Please, contact authorities. You announced that you were unable to understand the plot, and I politely reminded you there are many less challenging films available in theaters at this very moment. The real question is why you, and others like you, make it a point to come to a forum and say "I hated it! It sucked!" What joy does anyone get from trolling?


Just because someone doesn’t like something you do doesn’t mean they’re trolling. Jesus, get a grip.


It isn't about like or dislike, it's your rude, antagonistic, and dishonest approach to the forums that stands out.


Nah you’re just butt hurt that I don’t like this movie. Stop crying.


I did give reasons. There’s no story. It’s people meandering about for two days. There’s no goal, they aren’t working towards something, there’s too many boring driving shots with zero dialogue that add NOTHING other than QT saying to the audience “look how cool my actors look in a 60’s time period.” K? Like I said, acting, cinematography, camera work, music, all fantastic but there’s no story.


To me there was a story, but it goes a lot deeper than just plot. I won't convince you otherwise and won't even try, but also, don't think that your opinion is the only valid one. For you it is, but for others it is quite different. Just because you couldn't relate, doesn't mean that others can't personally get something out of it.


And I never said otherwise. I gave valid opinions on why I don’t like it. You like it. Ok good for you.


I sort of agree. Not that there wasn't a story, there was, but I do think there was too much focus on the DiCaprio and Pitt characters and they were unsatisfyingly (for me) developed. The other characters were all more interesting, but we didn't get enough of them. I've also got a soft spot for Tim Roth, so I wonder what we missed when he got cut. The ending didn't really feel right either. It was like a mis-shapen puzzle piece being jammed into a jigsaw puzzle. Of course there was the difference with historical events, but this was more than that. It didn't feel like it flowed from the film organically. It felt forced.






still wrong








incorrect. wrong is correct.


Look Lampey. You did not reply for 12 hours so Hownos is the winner by default. ;)


If someone writes "correct" then that means that person AGREES.

"Contemplate this.. on the tree of woe!"


Crucify him!

Understood! 👍


actually quite a bit happens, you just decided you hated it.


I haven't seen it but that sounds fair given the last 2 clunkers of his I tried to sit through. Mundane senseless dialogue, a big shoot out scene,more mundane dialogue etc etc

It seems like he makes movies only to stroke his massive ego and indulgences and maybe for the usual mindless media talking head fanboys. Some people here also don't like to talk about the emperor's wardrobe lol


Not a fan of Tarantino, but this is one of my favorite films of the year. My family and I have discussed it for days because we keep remembering some moment in the film that made an impression on us. We're not even fans of DiCaprio or Pitt, but they impressed us as well.
If you're a fan of tv/movie history, appreciate the art of film-making, grew up in the '60s, like Westerns, or have any knowledge in the Manson Family murders, you might give it a look-see. Whether he made it to stroke his ego or not.


I thought most of the scenes were quite lovely as well. Don't really mind the driving around LA (in the "60s") it was really atmospheric and cool


Yes, loved the driving. The sights, the music, the cars. It's what we used to do to relax. Beautifully shot.


I liked the slow-nothing vibe.. it felt more real and lifelike.

What reaLLy happens in a day? Until the freak home-invasion? Just a day in the life is what this film was and I appreciated it.


This was an extremely disappointing film in my opinion, so I agree with you in that sense. I thought the acting was great, the directing was well done, the set and costumes were awesome, but the overall concept of the film seemed so overdrawn and unnecessary. I understand what Tarentino was going for, in this human epic about character redemption but it all felt way beneath him as a film maker. The idea isn’t terrible, I just felt the execution was lacking in every way possible.

The acting was the only thing that saved it as Pitt and Decaprio are quite captivating together, and I feel like they alone carried the 2 hr 45 minute run time. The story and plot was not worth a run time that long, which led to unnecessary scenes throughout the entire film.

For one, I don’t understand why Margot Robbie was even in this? Her character has literally no relevance to his story, so instead of giving her 20+ minutes of screen time, just leave it to the imagination. It felt like they relied on these big name actors to fill unnecessary scenes which lead to the final scene, all the while Tarentino was messaging his ego about his love of Hollywood.

Just, obnoxiously boring and I can’t repeat this enough - unnecessary.


yeah, and even then I didn't see much point to this one. Just felt like Tarantino patting the rest of Hollywood on the back.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -
