geared toward baby boomers

my take from the audience of the movie I attended


I am not a baby boomer but I enjoy QT. It a while for mw to get into his movies.


I was referring to this movie in particular.


I liked this one as well.


And boom goes the dynamite!


I'm not a baby boomer. I really enjoyed it! Great performances from DiCaprio and Pitt!

I am partial to older music and golden age Hollywood though, back when there were actual movie stars. Not many of those left these days, but two of them are starring in this movie.


I saw the movie this evening and the theater was full. I didn’t see many under 25 but I would say there were all ages at the showing. I just looked up QT and he is 56 so I guess he is a baby boomer himself. He may be targeting the film toward his contemporaries.



The Hateful Eight had legs. The first time I saw it I liked a lot of it, but it also turned me off in a big way. I gave it another chance 20 months later and 'got' it -- it's both entertaining and enlightening if you roll with it rather than against it.



I see, but 'legs' post-box office also contributes to a film's overall success. "Dazed and Confused," "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" are three examples.



Doing better than expected. $40m OW, so $100m gross.



I mean any type of sales after BO, including stations, and the corresponding recognition. "Wizard of Oz" failed at the box office in '39, until it was re-released a dozen years later and became a cherished hit for decades.




Doubt it cause my theater don’t allow babies in theater. Too disruptive.
