Trailer looks weak

Not feeling it.


Nice try you trolling loser. Go watch another Superhero movie you clown Scumbag.


They got me with "Brother Love's Traveling..." Hot August nights indeed!!!


Dig both trailers. The 2nd trailer didn’t have the flashiness of the first one, but it wasn’t supposed to. They both worked for me.

And whaddya know... the film’s already receiving a great deal of critical praise. No surprise there.


Looks like a typical crappo Hollywood movie they get together to make when they don't know what else to do and they just party. I did not see much effort of craftsmanship or hard work in the trailer, it just looked stupid. BUT ... maybe they don't want to give away too much at the start? I end up liking some QT stuff despite not really liking QT ... but I don't like paying money to see it, he's a schmuck. I think I'll just have to wait on this one.


Joker trailer lookz hot



can't beat "straight shooter" by mamas&papas ; )
