I am fully convinced after watching this film It would have badly under performed in a Pre-covid land scale
IMO coming off WW1 I think most box office analysts and I'm sure WB thought WW2 had 1 Billion + Potential
But after seeing this film, I would bet everything I own that WB knew this film had NO Shot at even having the same success as WW1 let alone 1 Billion and thats why WB was so willing to put it on steaming.
Look at Universal and Sony, If you honestly believe you have a film thats going to do 1 Billion + like Fast 9 and No Time To Die, releasing in a pandemic is just not an option, They are Literally going to keep delaying those films until The Majority has been vaccinated and box office is close to where it was....
WB Knew WW84 wasnt close to WW1 in quality, WB knew WW84 had very little action, a Horrible story and Word of Mouth wouldnt be close to WW1....There was no reason for WB to keep delaying WW84 if it didnt have a shot at HUGE box office, So WB felt streaming was the best option instead for delaying it for another year just so the film could under perform....
IMO had WW84 been released pre covid in a normal summer release date, heres how it would have performed -
OW---115 to 130
Total Domestic--250 to 275 M
World Wide--575 to 625
A Massive falloff for WW1 and Not close 1 Billion +
I also predict WW3(If in fact Patty does come back, which I dont believe, I think WB is only announcing WW3 is being fast tracked and Patty is returning as Ploy, I think after WW84s dismal box office and Reviews collapse, WB is deeply embarrassed and is in damage control) but If Patty does write and direct WW3 and its release somewhere in 2023 or 2024
I predict it basically FLOPS
OW--70 to 80 Million
Total Domestic--150 to 180
World Wide --450 to 525
I think Hype for a WW3 is basically DEAD after WW84....If a WW3 is to have success, A new director With a completely new direction for the character is going to be needed!