It's not even coming out on HBO MAX international either right? That really is bad.


as the article states - maybe itd have underperformed anyway like certain superhero sequels have done (Batman Returns - not every sequel can be TDK). plus WW mania might be a one time thing for 2017 (especially as the movie really wasn't that great), there was the awful JL that featured WW prominently in the promotion (almost like the main character after the success of WW2017) and maybe the lameish looking trailers for WW84 turned people off abit ...oh and theres a pandemic lol




You are glad,arent you?


No, just curious


While I certainly admit Its very hard to judge any films box office during this pandemic and call it a FLOP or under performing..

But, In WW1984's case Its certainly under performing even by Pandemic standards

I remember saving a post a few years back when I was Abusing Queen shorty after WW1 and Black Panther came out where I predicted both WW2 and BP2 would make less than Their predecessors because BOTH films got Massive BUMPS in box office from Their Cultural Impacts, Women in WWs case and from African Americans in BBs case....I felt very confident neither films sequel would be able to make as much as Their predecessors ...I saved the convo of course because Queen Laughed and thought it was just beyond crazy that WW2 would make less than WW1

So my point for bringing this up is....I always felt WW2 would make Less than WW1 even in a pre-covid world

a pre-covid prediction for me would have something like----

OW---$120 to 135 M

Total domestic---315 to 340 Million

WW----700 to 750 Million

Looking at the way Tenet and Mulan performed in China during this Pandemic.....WW84 is just badly under performing

WBs decision to release WW84 on X-Mas on HBO Max I would think surely has something to do with it Under Performing this badly....It just doesnt make sense to go see this in theaters if you can watch it on TV basically for 1/5 of the price.....I mean, The Majority of WW84s box office is going to be from Families taking their kids to see this over the holidays...

If your a Family of 4 or more....WB basically Gave you EVERY reason NOT to go see this in theaters

Why would Parents pay 40 to 50 dollars for their whole family to go see WW84 in theaters when they can literally sit at home and Order HBO Max for month for 15 dollars and end up paying 1/5 of what its costs to go to theaters

Why would parents take the risk of their child getting Covid to see WW84 in theaters when they can watch it at home at the same time and be 100% safe

WB just shit the bed here


How can the 'performance' of a movie be judged this year?


It can't be, there is nothing to compare with.


The judgement of performance will be revenue vs. cost. The era of $100,000,000+ films may be over.

Of course, this is speculation.


That's a good thing. There's no need to pay that much to make a movie.


hopefully more distribution of money to make independent and different movies which aren't just the copy and paste or sequels from the same old writers/directors.

there will be more stinkers but alot more gems aswell.


That would be nice. Things might be more like the Hollywood of the 1970s.


Problem is western movies are promoted and billed by most outlets as the only place that makes good movies and it may be the best in terms of CGI but nowhere near do they have the heart and soul in a movie.

The amount of foreign movies released is massive and there budgets are a fraction of hollywood but hardly anyone gets to see them because there's no promotion of them or because they don't be dubbed into english.

From russia, china, india, tamil, punjabi, japan, spain, france, denmark, thailand, indonesia, malaysia, south korea and many other places.

Apart from small film festivals which still try to get big name western movies in there they hardly get mentioned which is a shame as they can be just as good and even in better in things like emotion and make you think about subjects.


Let's hope so.


It opened in 35 international markets, but we don't know which of those have lock downs. It should play at least a month, so grandma should be vaccinated and her kids don't have to worry about killing her. People under 30 are least at risk but they can spread it.

HBO international rollout:



Not to worry, they will be blaming white men anyway.


You can't say underperforming without knowing the future of movies.


Clacton cinema is the only cinema showing this for miles everywhere else is locked down and closed.
Also don't fancy having to sit and watch with a mask on for over 2 hours.
But hope people use our little cinema it might shut very soon.
I would have seen this if was a normal year.


My theater has it and showing the first WW right now till christmas. They make you wear a mask going in but after seated you can take it off and nobody says anything. I order popcorn and tea so I can't wear a mask eating. Just like the resturants here.


now we are back in lockdown on the 26th so the cinema not open anywhere unless in Northhampton but they may go into this as well.
so streaming is the only way to see movies now.


I,m in Texas so my governor says bite me to crusty Biden on a lockdown.
