MovieChat Forums > Velvet Buzzsaw (2019) Discussion > Netflix Movies Suck So Much Ass

Netflix Movies Suck So Much Ass

This is the downside of their massive success. They buy anything with a good cast, no matter how shitty the script is. This is why studio interference is a necessary evil

Just like The Cloverfield Paradox and several other "Netflix Original" films, this one is all over the place and sloppily written, without a consistent tone and full of cliches

It's funny that this has a much higher RT score than Final Destination, a movie VB ripped off quite a bit. I guess adding big name stars and a superficial element of "satire" is enough for professional critics, who we all know are dumbasses

And finally, Dan Gilroy is a hack. Nightcrawler is so overrated. I'm glad his attempt at Oscar bait, Roman J. Israel, was shot down. Now he comes out with this turd. He is one of the mos try-hard, wannabe auteurs working today


Nah. They're doing some good stuff, including this.


Wrong opinion


I'm surprised that it has to be explained to you but by definition, an opinion can't be wrong.


I thought it was mediocre.


Correct opinion




Of course Netflix movies suck ass. That's why I never watch 'em!


Smart choice


They got amazing television. Ozark, House of Cards, Haunting of Hill House, the MCU shows, Narcos, F is for Family, Bojack Horseman.

This movie was slop. Wasted potential.


Totally agree. Lots of good shows (and lots of bad ones too, tbh) but lots of mediocre movies

Netflix has essentially become exactly what you pay for: a watered down version of cable/satellite. Lots of content, but most of it unwatchable, for the average person


Netflix film & television quality is very much a mixed bag in my experience. This film I'd put on the side of bad though. I expected it to be at least decent considering the cast but found it to be decidedly mediocre .


Well, given their budget and size it is somewhat understandable, they are mostly mediocre tbh.
