Oh my god this is a slog
I'm probably 20 minutes in or so...and the length of these shots? This looks like a movie that could have been a short story instead.
Maybe I just don't have an eye for art, but too many shots to list where just...nothing at all happens. We spend what, a good thirty seconds? Watching Mandy stare into oblivion...another scene where it was just darkness for so long that I literally checked my HDMI connection. My buddy recommended this, so...apparently it picks up after the first bit here, but I can't do anything with this movie out of principle aside from talk shit.
Sorry, just...you've got to be kidding me here. Shoot, I'd happily watch absolutely nothing happening on screen...for the sake of tension building...some reaction shot to a horror that's yet to be revealed to the audience, the music building in the background, all that. But this is just nothing for the sake of being nothing...and nothing is not art, its just someone yanking themselves behind the camera IMO.
Some director wanted to get 'arthouse' and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here slack-jawed, slogging through some pretentious douche's masturbation session in hopes of being entertained at some point along the way here.
There's not enough time in the world to watch all the good programming/movies out there, no reason to be held hostage here, fuck off Director guy, two middle fingers up, way up =P