Payment (Spoilers)

So did Tony Lip not get the second half of his payment since they didn't complete the final performance?! I don't see how he would have gotten paid, as that was a very strict part of the agreement, not missing one date, but if he hadn't gotten paid, I think it would have been a bigger deal?


Why shouldn’t he? He did EVERYTHING he was supposed to do. If Don didn’t want to perform, how is that Tony’s fault? Also, Don came to Christmas dinner at Tony’s. So, I imagine they parted from the road trip on good terms.


Oh, he totally should, but remember it wasn't Don actually paying him, it was the record company, and the record company was the one who gave him the stipulations. I would just imagine that the company suits would try to pull some bullshit saying he didn't complete his contract and wouldn't get the second half of his pay.


I agree with onemanarmy82 that Tony probably got paid because it wasn't his actions that stopped the final gig from happening.

More importantly, though, Tony and Don became close friends, and the payment isn't the point at the end of the film. The end of the film is making a point about family and friendship, so the reason it wasn't a big deal at the end was because it was no longer the focus of their relationship.


Technically he didn’t miss the date. He delivered him as promised. It was Shirley’s decision not to play. You think the record company is going to risk losing him if he tells them to pay Tony?
