You're not the only person interested. This was a quiet, understated little movie that showed a woman slowly gaining her independence from a life of being hardly more than an afterthought to her family, someone to do the cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. She even had to make her own birthday cake. That scene early in the movie and a later scene where her husband whined about her forgetting to buy his special cheese really got me. Did he ever give her a thought or feel anything for her except as a servant? What a dick. All he thought about were his own needs. When she deliberately "forgot" to buy the cheese the next day at the market, she was showing the beginning of her freeing herself from being his doormat. Good for her, I thought. Even her puzzle partner tried to dominate her in his own way, only wanting her for his own special needs. She even had to get free of him, after their one act of lovemaking, and she did by refusing to go to the international competition with him. All she really wanted for herself was the freedom to be her own person and do what she wanted, which she got at the end in the Montreal scene. That wrapped up the story nicely.