Now Why Did He Do That?

I”m talking about Tic trying to kill Christina, & yes he was going to kill her. Maybe I’m not bright but she really never did him any harm. It was Titus that shot & never delivered on his promise to heal George. As far as Christina goes, as a dutiful daughter who was under her father’s thumb & subjected to the male hierarchy of the male order/coven I understand she had very little choice in the matter of what she could do & how she could/couldn’t interfere.

How many of you put it together that she was the one who gave Leti the money for the house? As soon as Leti told Hyppolyta that “Mama left me all this money” I knew right then & there it was Christina that was behind it. Did you? But Christina was not responsible for her buying a house in a racist neighborhood in a racist society & that the house had a sordid past of a racist owner who killed people there, so why is Tic going to murder her for that? Unless I’m mistaken about all of this but what do you all think?


I actually didn't guess it when I was watching the episode, even though objectively of course that seems like a pretty obvious conclusion (at least based on the characters we've been introduced to so far), and it did seem extremely unlikely to me that Leti's and Ruby's mother had any money. To Christina it was probably a pittance, but to them it was more money than their family had ever seen.

I think the reason it didn't occur to me was because the show so far has been really disjointed, and I actually had a thought in the beginning of the ep that the show is starting to look more like an anthology rather than one cohesive story. I hope it will all gel eventually.

Oh, just thought of this: you were asking in my thread how Tic would have known where to look for Christina - I am guessing that office belonged to the lawyer who contacted Leti regarding the inheritance. Or actually, based on what we saw, someone Christina paid to pose as a lawyer.
