MovieChat Forums > News of the World (2020) Discussion > Why was this ignored so much by the Awar...

Why was this ignored so much by the Awards season?

Hanks is magnificent. The youngster is marvellous. The cinematography is stunning and performances excellent. Seems odd it was totally snubbed for major awards. Shame.


I thought this was a great movie.

Now we know what Marlon Brando made such a big deal at the Academy Awards about Native Americans. There are powerful forces dead set against having the Native American genocide front and center in American consciousness. I notice always when there is a statement about this almost anywhere there are those who step up and dismiss it, or minimize it, or troll it, just about anything to attack and keep information and the sense of justice out of the mind and discussion.

I think that is why very few movies that touch on this subject get much attention. And obviously any movie about this shows the white settlers in a bad light.

In a way I can understand this knee-jerk status quo reaction from the establishment, because there is also missing a response from majority Americans on this issue. Most Americans are like this also with racism. They don't like being personally accused or held to account for something that feel they did not personally have a hand in, and are quick to dismiss any direct benefit they/we received from this ... like a whole continent full of natural resources that we squandered, and a whole people we used for free labor as well.

Letting the past be the past is not really right, but neither is dumping the whole load for this on everyone living today. There is no counter story ... at least .


Of course I don't like being personally accused or held to account for something I did not personally have a hand in. What kind of idiot would? But thanks for the woke lecture, anyway.


So, you're a different kind of idiot then, that's cool then because I WAS NOT "LECTURING" YOUR KIND OF IDIOT.


Maybe because not many people saw it?


yeah agreed it had strong Mando Vibes as well yes this was the first film i saw in cinema in January 2021 after the height of the pandemic


It was just OK honestly. Other than the novelty of seeing Tom Hanks in a western, everything else was by the numbers and predictable.


Agreed. That’s why I couldn’t finish it. Too predictable.
