Certain flop

How bad will this one fail?


Hard n fast


Yeah, it looks like a misfire.


First of all, the film is hilarious. Secondly, in a movie world dominated by juvenile comic book JUNK (especially this
time of year), it's refreshing to see a NEW movie on the BIG screen starring four beautiful actresses over 70! Hard
to believe that Jane Fonda is 80!

Should you three twits live as long, I doubt you'll look half as good.


I was going to engage you in a civilized conversation about this, but then you called me a twit, so I couldn't give two shits about your opinion now.


Look how stretched and inelastic their faces look. Plastic surgery and botox. What happened to growing old gracefully. Miss the times of Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Katharine Hepburn, etc.


It has made around 50 M in 4 weeks.
That is not a flop Sir.


Excellent. I failed to mention that I'm pleased they at least made a movie for women that looks somewhat original (though a local critic called the film "tepid")
