Height of Nonsense! So all this time the Doppelgangers.....(***Spoliers***)
....lived underground and were forced to mimic the same thing which the originals would do above the ground and survive on rabbit meal, right?
So if a tethered original would walk for even 500 meters or more in a straight line, the clone would eventually bang him/her-self to a wall. If the tethered original would run for long distance, the clone would eventually bang with some wall much harder and get hurt or fall unconscious.
How would the clones get Vitamin D without sunlight? So many body systems wouldn't function without the vital vitamin D, let alone bone health.
What about medicines and treatments in case they get hurt? Who used to wash their clothes and where would they get detergent from ?
Likewise, there are hundreds of things which questions their survival in an underground chamber.
And Jordan Peele thought that the audience will digest such epitome of nonsense? The writers should be banned from the film industry. Infact, its the biggest logic-fail in the history of cinema.