Actually the Czars wife, Alexandra was the grand daugther of Queen Victoria. So they could have kept this also in, but of course this would be not as straight forward to the story. Of course it would work likely even better when they had shown Young Will getting rejected because of his hand by her. But it is imo stronger and more straight forward (war is a boys game) storytelling.
WW1 had happened because of any reason. And yes, Wilhelm was jealous of George, that's why he invested so much in his marine, because George was supreme lord of the sea with his marine and Wilhelm wanted to compete with him. Anyway, the war had happened anyway because EVERYONE supercharged their armies and was ready to get into war. Because everyone overestimated their army, every country expected the war ending in no time. But they basically neutralized each other.
If Germany/Austria had not started it, very likely France had done so (they wanted revenge for the war of franco-prussian war) or even Russia had done it, to divert from the inner uproars. Not sure about England, but George was definitely not a peace lover, who stopped the war.