
Why not just continue the original Kingsman story with Eggsy, Harry and the gang? I was looking forward to another actual Kingsman sequel. I don't think anybody actually asked for a prequel? 😣


I don't know. I really wasn't a fan of the golden circle so I'm actually hoping this one will be something different to get me interested again.


Yeah the golden circle was kind of a hot mess lol but I still enjoyed it...


Agreed. I wanted to like The Golden Circle, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was a miss.

Kind of a weird film really, and it lacked something that the first film had.


Yeah, I understand why a lot of fans of the first one didn't like it. They kind of went too over-the-top ridiculous and it felt more like a parody than a sequel.


It was also a weird political statement.


I didn't care for it either, initially, but I feel like it's better on rewatch.


They are. Egerton said so.


Yeah, but who knows if it's actually going to happen. I have a feeling that this movie is going to flop with the constant push-backs and then the franchise will burn to the ground.
