So many documentaries I hear about or see and come to comment on and there is nothing?
IMDB or MovieChat is a great place to have a political discussion, but so few comments and people seem to be interested.
I am looking forward to "The Putin Interviews". Even though Oliver Stone is a bit ham-handed in much of his political stuff, interviews, documentaries I think his work is thoughtful educational and provocative. I liked the interview with Hugo Chavez and Castro. Even if the interviews are not perfect they are important to hear in order to dispel the void in our brains about "THE OTHERS".
A lot of what Putin says he does not have to work to hard to come up with ... just read the many books from inside the US that are critical of the US. In Russia there is really not the same thing, and quite a few critical journalists end up dead, though Putin is somehow allowed to come into Western media and act like a smooth man of the world.
Western leaders are lame. Putin is shrewd and cunning. He sells himself well to the western public, posing as a practical and good willing not-so-liberal nice guy. Only a complete moron could think that Putin wishes well to his country. These people, the Russians, live like the Napoleonic invasion and the Nazi invasion happened yesterday. They blame the west for the dissolution of the USSR that put them in utter poverty. They think that the west wants to destroy Russia and there is some kind of conspiracy. They don't see that their manipulative leaders are crazily corrupt populists that don't do nothing of value for Russia, aside from flexing muscles and posing as a superpower.
The westerners are also to blame for the current situation. It was idiotic even to suggest that Ukraine and Georgia could one day join NATO.
I don't know about the West, but the US wants to destroy Russia. Rather
than help Russia the US took the shift from soviet-style "communism" to
encroach upon them. Who can say if that is right or not, but it has not
really led to anything positive for anyone but the oligarchs and crooks.
Russia looks bad for supporting Assad in Syria, that is for sure. Putin is
a nasty guy, but he is not dummy. Trump is very stupid, at least it seems
so more and more.
Seeing the American behavior in Middle East, I believe that there may be some batshit crazy people in US who would want to see Russia destroyed. Nuclear superpower, full of weapons, pushed into anarchy or reduced to warring states like Libya and Syria... this would be a global nightmare, especially for Europe. Europeans want to have a good and reliable trade and diplomatic partner. It is good that lately Europeans display some emancipation from US (thanks to Trump), like the idea of having an EU army - that would reduce US influence in NATO.
Russia should be respected as a great power, but curbed when needed.
I think you may be right. The conclusion the American military-industrial complex could have reached is that it is not possible to take over a country like North Korea or Viet Nam, but is is possible to reduce it to chaos and insanity as has happened in the Middle East, and almost seems to be doing inside the US itself.
Any powerful entity in the world, on a continent, in a nation, in a state or in the room must be checked and regulated by the rule of law that applies to all. We do not seem to have a way to do that yet. The big hope after WWII was the US who ironically shaped all the successful European and Asian democracies, but the people of America have been seduced and cowed by the powerful military and corporate interests and seem to be about as far away from being able to recognize that as possible.
Yeah, for a while I was so anti-Trump that I was letting the
mainstream media's narrative about Russia push me towards
supporting a renewal of the Cold War, but on more reflection
and thought we do not know what the Russians have done,
but we do know what the US has used to CIA and other security
agencies to do in terms of manipulating public opinion towards
I recently watched Oliver Stone's "The Putin Interviews" and when
certain things like the US spending over 10 times more on our military
than Russia does, and it is the US that is placing missiles and
encroaching on Russia, not the reverse ... going back even to the
Cold War, this new attempt to turn the public towards war against
Russia, instead of war against the Republicans who are doing much
worse to the American people, seems phony. There is no proof at
all even as they claim this goes back years and blame Obama for
doing nothing.
What is disconcerting to me is that as an amateur student of history
it seems to me that our society and political systems comes out of
"the barrel of a gun" still, much more than it comes from any beliefs
in civilization or modern political education. The people do not seem
to be paying much attention, or what we see may be just completely
a sham and the media cover story an ongoing soap-opera facade.
1. The Us is the most advanced powerful country on Earth. Russia might have nukes but are behind the Us in every technical aspect.
2. The American bi-partisan political system is a mess.
3. Trump is making things worse due to indicision/stupidity.
4. The world is changing, Uncle Sam can't afford to police the world anymore. Antagonizing Russia is a bad idea. You don't want China and Russia on the same side.
5. Politics is a dirty business.
> 1. The Us is the most advanced powerful country on Earth. Russia might have nukes but are behind the Us in every technical aspect.
Might doesn't make right. After 9-11 when we had the sympathy of the world we are now the most feared country.
> 2. The American bi-partisan political system is a mess.
It has been since Reagan actually. The reason is because of money, and it is only getting worse. Trump as President is an outrage.
> 3. Trump is making things worse due to indecision/stupidity.
Trump is making things worse because of the continuation of hardline Republican policies. He's stupid, but it is not so much stupidity that is the problem it is the lack of any vision and the following of monied interests that are completely corrupt and dangerous.
> 4. The world is changing, Uncle Sam can't afford to police the world anymore. Antagonizing Russia is a bad idea. You don't want China and Russia on the same side.
We have really created a terrible mess by making China into the economic dominant of the US economy, not to mention selling off all of our industrial capacity so a few corrupt billionaire capitalist concerns can suck up all the money. The US should have led the world and stopped doing business with countries that disrespected human rights ... instead we seem to now be trying to outdo them at it.
> 5. Politics is a dirty business.
Especially when the only thing that matters is money and monopoly. Americans have let this happen by being stupid and uninvolved.