MovieChat Forums > Glass (2019) Discussion > People shitting on this should watch it ...

People shitting on this should watch it again

This movie has problems for sure, but many of the complaints I see are addressed in the film to one degree or another, but people seemed to have missed it.


No thanks, I don't ever want to see nor hear from any of these BORING characters EVER again.


Cool, at least you're keeping an open mind 🙄. Sounds like you should stick to the Transformer movies so you can have your front to back mindless action. I will agree, slow burn movies aren't for everyone, but why did you expect any different for M Night? All of his movies are like this.


Sixth Sense and Visit isn't, I love those two.


Ah, the classic brainless dig: "If you don't agree with me on this movie it's because all you watch is Transformers."

Figures that Burk would be lazy and uncreative enough to use this reference.


Not much point. People raising these criticisms missed them the first time around for a reason: they weren't engaged sufficiently.

That's a matter of preference. And expectation. As a Shyamalan film, "Glass" moves slowly and takes its time building tension in a typically low key fashion. But because it's a "superhero" film, a significant portion of its audience will expect action and special effects up the wazoo.

Reminds me of the small but noisy squawking from people expecting "Inglourious Basterds" to be an ultraviolent action-fest, only to encounter a typically Tarantino-talky tall-tale.

If they didn't like it the first time, they won't like it a second, is my point.

Truthfully, I fell into the foiled-expectations camp with "Glass," but I've enjoyed it a lot more upon recollection and reflection, same as "Unbreakable," come to think of it. But I rarely watch "Unbreakable" start to finish any longer.


I went into Glass with low expectations, and was very pleasantly surprised. Like I said, it has some flaws, but it's a good film all in all. I completely agree with you and people expecting non-stop action, but that's never been MNS style, so why expect it on this?



Same exact responses to the "Inglourious Basterds" critics - all of Tarantino's films are "talky," why'd you expect this to be any different?

Like I said, I find I'm liking all three of these movies more and more upon reflection. I especially like how well each title fit - especially here, where "Glass" himself seems to spend most of his time catatonic, when he's actually been masterminding a plan to overthrow the clover conspiracy all along. In the end, even though Dunn's son gets him killed, he still manages to accomplish his goal, proving he (and Dunn and Crumb) aren't "mistakes," and that heroes (and villains) are real after all.

But again, not finding I want to watch them over and over again, like I do MCU movies. Shyamalan, at his best, seems to construct "places" for the audience to inhabit and reflect upon. It's probably why he was always a bad choice for Avatar and After Earth.

Reminds me of Lucas claiming the original "Star Wars" trilogy is about Luke, but the six movies taken together are about Vader. And I guess the nine movies taken together are about ... the Force? (sorry, trying to think of a non-snarky summary but keep drawing blanks)




I'd see it again, but I'm afraid I might accidentally trip over into a tiny puddle on the way to the cinema.


If that was the weakness that countered your superpowers, that is a legitimate concern.


Yes I agree, that was possibly the stupidest thing i've seen in film for a long time.


Do not waste your money on this garbage. Do not support this lazy, garbage-filled excuse of a movie. Better to give your money to a stranger - or toss your cash into a fire just to watch it burn. That alone would be more entertaining than this pathetic movie. It is astonishingly bad; hopelessly slapped together. An inept regurgitation and a complete embarrassment for anyone associated with the project.




I watched it for free and I'm glad I did.

The movie had a lot of potential but was poorly done and stupid.

Worse yet, the film was depressing.


Some people going a little overboard with there complaints with the movie. This isn't Manos Hands of Fate. Ill admit the ending was disappointing. But i think the rest of it was just fine. Believe me ive seen far worse.


If this is the first Shyamalan movie they've ever seen then maybe I can understand. I guess I would react to it in the same way,but I'm used to Shyamalan. I know what to expect. I know his style of film making. Shouldn't others have the same mindset. If this is the umpteenth Shyamalan they've seen, then honestly they have no excuse to dislike this movie. That's just my opinion


the fact that dunn would have died in the shower is just too much to handle
