MovieChat Forums > Glass (2019) Discussion > Can't believe he's actually getting a re...

Can't believe he's actually getting a resurgence

Literally one of the worst directors of all time.


Oh you troll


He is a little hard to figure out because, youre right, he has done some REALLY bad movies. But he also has done some great movies too and I have a good feeling about this one.


which great movies?


Unbreakable and Sixth Sense
Split wasn’t too bad either


Yep those are the ones ! Signs was also good (not great) and I liked the Village more than most other people seemed to like it.

Then he does Lady of the Water and Happening and it’s like “wtf was he thinking??”


The Village is actually my favorite of all his films. There are some really interesting ideas floating around in that movie that I think a lot of people miss, and I love the atmosphere.

Signs would be #2 for me. Unbreakable is #3. And Sixth Sense, the one I think with the least amount of replay value, comes in at #4.

As for Lady in the Water, it's about 2/3 of a really good movie. There's a lot to like there, but unfortunately it falls apart in the third act.


I thought both The Happening and Lady in the Water were fun movies. Drama mixed with comedy is sometimes good.


The Happening is a real disappointment when compared to his earlier films but it's not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. There's some dumb shit in it but I can still watch it and be entertained.


When I originally saw it in theaters, people were laughing and having a good time with it. Don't know where all the hate came from. It wasn't if I heard a bunch of people saying it sucked as they left the theater.


The Happening is one of the stupidest films ever made.


Agreed. Signs had a goofy twist but aside from that, it was mostly quite gripping. The Village wasn't awful either. I'd give it a middle of the road passing grade. I would say everything he made between Lady in the Water and The Visit was pure garbage. How he managed to turn things around (let alone get funding) starting with Split is a head scratcher. But if I were to hazard a guess, I would say it is probably multiple factors, such as: no longer being surrounded by yes men, more skeptical producers meaning maybe less creative carte blanche, having creative input from other writers and expanding on a story universe from back when he was still good wasn't a bad idea either.


He's trying to break his slump


I think he did with Split. Stand-up triple. Here's hoping Glass is a home run.


Yea I hope he does too. I loved 6Th Sense, Unbreakable and Signs. Yes I loved Signs.. After that I haven't enjoyed a film of his until Split. The one at grandma'a house, forget what it's called. It was okay but I have seen my share of found footage films, low budget and not, and there are better ones.

But I hope he learns from his mistakes and has a second wind. I think he also wrote Devil which I thought was clever.


I'm not sure why anyone WOULDN'T love Signs. It's certainly more rewatchable than The Sixth Sense, which is SO reliant on the twist, and I find it a more rewatchable film than Unbreakable as well.

You could certainly make the argument that Unbreakable is a "better" film, but it doesn't have the replay value for me that Signs does.


Agreed it is very rewatchable. Idk why it gets crapped on but I thought it was a tight scare, great cast, an emotionally ripe. I think maybe it's cause Gibson is in it and well he has said some awful things in the last 15 yrs or so


Anyone who doesn't like Mel can go fuck themselves, as far as I'm concerned. The dude's awesome. An imperfect creature perhaps, but still a cool dude.

With that out of the way, I agree with your assessment.


I like Mel too, I'm just saying people project their perception of people onto the movies they're in. Tom Cruise has made some good movies in the last few years but his association with Scientology and his antics on Oprah's couch def affect his success in terms of box office.


Really it started with The Visit.

It was his first film in a while to be rated Fresh on RT and it made nearly $100 million on a $5 million budget. That was the beginning of the comeback, and then Split continued the momentum.

As you say, here's hoping Glass is a home run.


I’ve yet to see a positive post from you. Either you’re a troll or you’re completely miserable.


I've written many positive things about the films I like.


Literally one of the best directors of all time.
He has had two or three bad offings in his fantastic career. Robot Chicken made a skit about him beating on "Twist" and it became a trend to hate Shyamalan after that. Trendy. People who loved him were suddenly bandwagon haters.

6th Sense: A+
Unbreakable: A+
Signs: A-
Village: A
Lady in the Water: B-
Happening: D+ (a decent idea combining bee die-off with evolving plant defense but wretched acting and script)
Last Airbender: F (a crime against a great cartoon)
After Earth: C
The Visit: B
Split: A+

Devil: A+
Wayward Pines(tv): C-

His slump means little compared to his successes. The man is genius. Thank god they didn't pillory Rod Serling in similar fashion in his day. Or did they?


you are so hopeless and sad.


That's odd. I feel very happy and satisfied.
May I ask you if you are a fan of BvS, TDKR, or The Master? I took your bait. Let's trade.


Wayward Pines was originally just supposed to be a single season but later had a second season greenlit because the first was so popular. I think you have to judge them individually.

I'd give the first season a solid B or even B+ and would recommend it to anyone, but I'd give season 2 a D and would definitely NOT recommend it.


I didn't even give season 2 a chance. I really enjoyed WP for most of the season (agreeing /w your B+ ranking that far) up until the last three or four episodes. Then the acting and writing went off the rails. The show was not Under-the-Dome bad but those last episodes turned me like a skeleton vs a level 12 cleric. Good to know I dodge a bullet for S2.


The Sixth Sense was alright, but on reflection it is a bit soap opera-y. M. must be doing something right in Hollywood to be given the many chances he has. Just look at Michael Cimino who directed one flop and was then avoided like poison.

Is Heaven's Gate truly as bad as The Happening? (as cinema that is, not forgiving illegal activities committed behind-the-scenes of HG)
