I watch this film by accident

Honestly. They tapped the wrong option at the cinema – possibly my fault because I couldn’t remember the proper title for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – and handed me the wrong ticket. I obediently went and sat in the correct seat in the correct cinema and at the correct time the wrong film started.
But never mind, I enjoyed it. It’s quite tongue-in-cheek and certainly Johnson & Stratham don’t appear to take themselves too seriously. It was a bit silly, fast & busy, often noisy and the rap music (I assume that’s what it was and not some sub-class or evolution of the genre – please excuse my ignorance if I’m mistaken) dutifully played at appropriate moments.
It was fun though and works much better on the big screen than the small where I probably would have caught it eventually. Also Vanessa Kirby was really good – not seen her before in a lead role but she was funny and tough and held her own against the other leads.
Bit puzzled why there were so many otherwise big names tucked away in smallish roles – some kind of in joke or a bit of well paid fun? Dunno but they appeared to be enjoying themselves as well.


The same thing happened to me. We purchased 4 tickets to Once Upon a Time, and clearly said the title, but were instead given 4 tickets to Scary Stories. By the time we realized what had happened, Once Upon a Time had sold out, so we had to drive to a different theater.

I wonder:

1. Honest mistake?

2. Ploy to steer people to a different movie because the film they wanted to be was sold out/ going to sell out?

3. Calculated effort to reduce sales figures for a film they dislike?


How about that


That I watched the film by accident? Well, serendipity I guess. I'd never have gone to a cinema to watch this kind of film - though I'd watch them at home. But it turned out to be more enjoyable on the big screen so maybe in the future, on a suitably rainy day day when there is nothing I really want to see, I'll catch more of these entertainments.
