Will get a rotten score!

The movie is almost release and Still no reviews!
It look like this will get a rotten score at RT and that not good because since F5 it's all get a Certified Fresh and Fresh rating...


The last couple ff films weren't all that good...


For you but overall it got a really good reviews at rotten tomatoes and i huge fan of it


It seems like it will, though nothing is certain yet. It could get a mixed reception, and that won’t be the worst thing ever.

But look at it this way.... Hobbs & Shaw won’t be a proper Fast & Furious movie. It’s just a spin-off. Although Fast 8 wasn’t the best, it goes without saying that the main series is still going strong so IF Hobbs & Shaw gets a weak reception, that shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing for the series.

Now unless this spin-off is an absolute train wreck, then I expect audiences will like it a lot better than the critics (that’s pretty common these days).


A buddy/action cop movie.It doesn't have anyone like Karen Gillan in it so it is up to the person if they want to spend the $25 to go see it. I will see it this year.


That was a close one. Whew! Lol.

The reception it’s getting is, for the most part, exactly the kind of reception I was expecting the movie to get all along (that is, before the late review embargo thing). While naturally a good amount of critics aren’t praising it, so far it appears the majority of them are appreciating Hobbs & Shaw for what it is and are simply having fun with... and embracing... all the over-the-top action — as they should!
