I have Never Seen a FF Movie.

I thought the premise of movies about cars was stupid. I have seen clips and realize that cars are very fragile things and can't survive what I've seen in the clips. And, you can't get away from cops in cars because they have helicopters.

So, "fast car" heist, spy, etc movies aren't possible now, only in the 40s, 50s, and 60s when helicopters weren't widely used.

BUT I do enjoy fun, witty, and creative movies. When I saw this film is science fiction it made me question if the other films are good to watch or not.

Is this film out of the box regarding the series or are the other films creative fantasy stuff?


I'd say it's pretty inline with how the franchise has been going the last few years. Its definitely a long way from where it started which was essentially Point Break with cars, but it has since evolved into huge spectacles and some ridiculous logic. That being said I really enjoy the whole franchise and I think they're a lot of fun to watch if you don't take them too seriously.


I think I saw a bit of the first film where they're on the highway trying to steal a gas truck. Vin Diesel stupidly says, "Da street value on dat gas is ABC" as if gas was a drug or they were living in Mad Max times, and I turned it off. I couldn't take that level of stupidity.

Also, as we saw with Paul Walker, sport cars can blow up at very low speed crashes because they made of nothing. And, you can't pull off public crimes in city areas because of police helicopters. So, the settings I'm familiar with aren't science fiction, but supposed to be in "now" reality, which is just stupid.

However, in a science fiction world, I can take a lot because it's no longer reality based.

Do you have to watch all of the movies to follow the story or is there a point where you can start watching and the stories are more fantasy based?


I'd say the best place to start is probably with the 4th installment since it's more sort of a rehash of the first one in a sense. Though that one is still more grounded in reality than future installments. Fast Five is where it starts to make bigger leaps in logic.


The fourth film is the worst film in the whole franchise. The first is still the best.


It's definitely one of the best, but personally my favorites are Fast Five and Furious 7.

I find them all entertaining, the though it seems the odd numbered ones are typically better than the even numbered ones.


"Da street value on dat gas is ABC" as if gas was a drug or they were living in Mad Max times, and I turned it off. I couldn't take that level of stupidity.

The phrase is perfectly acceptable to use for any product regardless of its price, rarity or legality.
It can be used in all situations where the price you pay as a consumer is different from the price the supplier paid becasue he bougght in bulk , or knows a guy etc.

"street value" just means "retail price" ffs.

That said , the films do get pretty stupid , you should avoid , especially if your limit is using the phrase "street value"


I'm sorry, but that's stupid.

The street value of marshmallows, is ABC...

That's something that is never said because there is no street value for marshmallows. So, it sounds weird and stupid to talk about candy as if it were some black market product. There is no black market for gas and people aren't gassing up their cars in some back alley or walking around with cans full of gas they just bought off a street corner.


yeah , i get what your saying , but
a) you can use street value in place of "retail" for legit products
b) when your tanker full of gas is stolen the value of the gas drops , creating a differential in prices between your stolen gas , and other legally purchased gas , necessitating the use of the phrase street value.

and thirdly , like i said before this is one of least most stupid things in the films, even if it is stupid , its up against some stiff competition , a veritable litany of stupid plot twists and car stunts and decisions etc
its at the bottom of the list of stupid things that happen in the films.

Top of the list , for me, is when they steal a bank vault by towing it out the bank with a couple of muscle cars. Not a little safebox like when they do the same in the cowboy films , i mean a vault the size of a house.


you're turned off because it's not realistic? It's a action movie. You're supposed to suspend all that and just enjoy the experience, but anyway that's your business. We all all have our own taste in films.


That's not true.

You shouldn't have to suspend all believe.

Oh, they have magic balloon boots and Pepsi makes them geniuses, but it's a modern day real life setting about cars! That's too much. The amount of acceptance is based on the premise of the movie.


The first movie was OK and the rest are crap. They're like Expendables movies with no self-awareness....


The first 3-4 movies take things pretty seriously. Kind of like Point Break but with cars. But around part 5, someone made the smart move by saying "hey let's make it so that if you drive real good, you're basically a superhero". FAST FIVE is awesome and the subsequent films are very entertaining ott action fare.


Daz bec u never drove a GT-R. I have 1 and it’s a tank. Indestructible. Faster than a jet.
