Well done

for a low budget movie Watched this and the movie Cosmos back to back.


It was superb.


Yes it was!



Weird film, but nice Twilight Zone concept. Still watching it, halfway through and enjoying it. I love the dialogue, clearly a lot of work went into it. Original stuff that seemed vintage 50’s.

Some folks complain about the first 10 minutes, which seem to meander, but the dialogue there is very cool and helps establish the characters.

Cinemtagraphy is interesting, when you can see what’s going on, because everything is a bit smoky or soft-focus or very dark. This could almost be radio theater; you could almost not bother to watch it but listen to it instead.


I agree completely!



Was ok. It's basically a very stretched-out episode of some generic anthology sci-fi/horror series like a modern-day "Outer Limits" or "Twilight Zone." The tone was pretty good but there is a lot of things wrong with this movie to give it a good review. It's worth a watch but have real small expectations because NOTHING HAPPENS and that is all you get from this. Unfulfilled expectations which were established by a solid trailer.

There are some decent things in it. Choices made with how to film this/that -that made the movie stand out, expo and dialog, but how it comes together absolutely doesn't work for me. Like I said above. It feels like this was supposed to be 60 minutes for an anthology show but got scrapped and was stretched out to make a feature. This doesn't feel like a feature film or even made for cable.

The only thing that is missing are those plugin special effects that you would see in an Asylum production. If you have prime this is worth the freebee but I wouldn't pay to see this, not even $3.99. Sorry to the people who loved it. There are some decent stuff in it but this movie really needs a good script to draw from. What we got was a 60 minute short film stretched out to be an hour and 40 minutes of confusion. πŸ‘½πŸ€£πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ—‘οΈ
