How many deaths, terror plots, rapes, pedophile gangs are we going to allow until we finally decide that they just aren't like us, and don't belong anywhere near us? Just take a good hard look at the human prosperity index. All Muslim theocracies are rock bottom on the list. And as much as they hate freedom and democracy, all such countries that have adopted it are at the top. Coincidence? Plugging our ears and going "la la la la la la la la" isn't going to fix this.
America is in a good place under Trump right now. It's refreshing to see a world leader call out the naked emperor for once. I'm not worried about America, but it's heartbreaking to see Europe dissolve into madness.
If you're calling death to someone, that's hate speech imo... Also, I noticed Islam is the fastest growing religion in the UK, soon to outpace Christianity. Won't be long before it'll be majority Muslim, you know the democratic moderate types until they riot and vote for some Islamic group then make everyone wear burkas. Just like how it happened in Iran/Afghanistan. Just google images of Iran/Afghanistan in the 70's before the revolution hit and then bam, garbage bags over head in the 80's.
Only 6 years or so left until UK is Islam dominant. Poor white countries only seem to get the the most hits. These so-called diverse cultures of the other religions or places that are majority black/arab/Hispanic have become shitholes so they go to more well developed countries (mostly white) and try to slowly take over if not fuck it for them as well.
The way I see it, diversity divides people into the groups/races where they mostly band together cause they're in the minority and that people tend to stick to people of the same color/creed/kind etc. When push comes to shove or conflict ensues, you'll see this happen when they regress into the place they used to call home after moving into diversity land.
What’s your solution then set up internment camps? We have it much worse over here in the form of gun violence killing more people in 3 months than the total of everyone who has died from terrorism in the UK in the last 15 years. This would include the murder of Jo Cox by one of your domestic terrorists.
Out of interest do you remember the names of the thousands of innocents killed by Muslim terroists? Or do you just focus on the one lefty killed by a crazed English man?
I focus on the one lefty killed by a crazed Englishman. It was a telling event. Bad behavior was rewarded. Then about 6 months+ later Trumps bad behavior was rewarded when he won the election. It’s a disturbing trend.
I’m not saying you don’t have a problem in the UK with Muslim extremists, obviously you do but it’s your problem so don’t expect me to share your fear, justified or not.
Two people killed by far right in UK acting alone, whilst hundreds in UK have been killed, raped and abused by radical Islamism.
Politicians and Academia of the West need to acknowledge there’s a big problem with the teachings of Muhammad, secondly there’s a great need to educate the West on Islam, especially the Quran, Sira and the Hadith.
Most people are ignorant of Islam including many Muslims too, politicians and the middle-class don’t seem to care enough as most deaths and rapes have been of the working class thus far.
Hilarious. So first you call me ignorant because I'm shedding light on a real problem Muslims are causing. And then when it's proven to you that it's not hyperbole or far right hate speech, then you just shrug it off because it's not your problem. So people should only talk about YOUR problems and keep theirs to themselves. THEIR fears aren't worth getting worried about, but yours are. Because despite having to suffer through rape, pedophilia, arson, acid attacks, murder, theft, battery, assault...YOU have TRUMP as president. Much scarier in comparison. How very liberal of you.
That was 3 months ago, ancient history if you ask me it’s neither here nor there.
I’m capable of ignorance too but I try not to be racially or culturally ignorant which I’m sure I am guilty of at times. You’re not even trying to be culturally informed when you condem an entire group of people a billion strong.
As far as it being your problem not mine, you can’t have it both ways. You voted for Brexit so pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and solve this problem your own damn selves. Don’t look to other countries for moral support you don’t need it. Britain First!
After you kick out the Muslims will you go after the many Eastern European immigrants who make up your service industries? Allowing them to continue on isn’t very Britain First of you. One problem at a time I suppose.
I'm Canadian. Read through the thread before you go assuming that just because I'm sticking up for western Europeans, that I must be western European myself.
No one's asking for anyone else's support here. Show me where anyone asked for the US to intervene even once. Talking about this problem isn't asking for moral support from you or anyone else. Don't flatter yourself.
I'm just pointing out the irony that you come in here pretending to know what you're talking about, acting as the usual blissfully ignorant liberal that just wants to attack dissenting opinion as far right ignorance, and meanwhile you yourself have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
As for eastern Europeans, why would they be a problem? That's quite the segue isn't it? Can't refute the negative things being said about Muslims so instead you want to try and channel that hatred somehow to extend to Eastern Europeans as if they share any blame that Muslims are responsible for? Last time I checked, Eastern Europe was more anti-Muslim than western Europe was, and as a result, have enjoyed a mostly peaceful existence among themselves. When's the last time you heard of a terror attack in Budapest? When's the last time you heard of a child pedophile ring in Prague? When's the last time you heard of an acid attack crisis in Warsaw? When's the last time you heard of Muslim rape gangs terrorizing the women in Kiev?
My bad on assuming your nationality. You got me, I didn’t read through the thread probably was too bored to bother. It happens sometimes because I get tired of all this. It’s draining to resist.
Did you ever hear the joke about when a conservative Canadian immigrates to America it raises the average IQ of both countries? There’s some truth in stereotypes.
Is that supposed to imply that a liberal Canadian is smarter than all? Because I've got some SERIOUSLY, almost HILARIOUSLY bad news for you if you haven't been keeping up with Justin "Peoplekind" Trudeau and his policies...
You think it's JUST terrorism that people have to worry about when it comes to Muslims? How about the growing number of rapes, and child rapes that are spreading across the continent? How about all the arson and grenade attacks in Sweden? How about all the child grooming gangs in the UK?
Did you know that in the UK alone, 2.5% of the population is responsible for 84% of all the rape and child rape? That's beyond fathom. TWO AND A HALF PERCENT! The entire population of the Muslim male demographic is responsible for almost ALL of the rape and pedophilia that occurs in the UK! And that's just 2.5! What's it going to look like at TEN percent? Twenty?
Did you know that London is now the second highest acid attack capital in the world next to I think Bangladesh?
Did you know that women in Germany are now banding together to develop a movement to called 120 Decibels that is supposed to be a successor to #metoo? They got tired of seeing privileged white women in America bitching about white men saying "hi" to them on the street and calling it rape, that they decided to shed some light on the hell that they have to suffer in Germany thanks to these Muslims. They named their movement 120 Decibels after a supposed "rape alarm" that is practically mandatory in Germany now.
There are massive massive problems with Muslims that are so much more insideous that go way beyond just terrorism. Terrorism is loud and sexy and travels across oceans, but there's no international media coverage for the ongoing rapes, child rapes, acid attacks, grenade attacks, arson attacks, murders, thefts, batteries, hate crimes etc. And everyone is too cowardly to stand up or protect their countries for fear of being called a racist. Europe is disintegrating in the name of diversity and acceptance and it's killing them. Western society won't survive that kind of apathy.
I know. It's completely ironic. And I think it's part of the undoing of the radical feminist movement as well. I think feminists had much more power when society was homogeneous and white. Because they had no one else to compare to. But when people see that the overwhelming number of rapes occur, not by "cis-gendered hetero-normative white men", but rather, that Muslim minorities they pander to, everyone else is seeing a hypocrisy that basically shatters their entire image.
And then the whole Nazi pug thing that went down?! How does the UK deem THAT a hate crime but then think nothing of letting pedophiles and rapists go with a slap on the wrist? Not only is Islam a major problem in Europe but free speech is on the brink of collapse as well. The entire police force in the UK should be jailed as far as I'm concerned. Bunch of limp dicked cowards that rather than protect the citizens that are paying their salaries, would rather jail them than the predators that mean to cause them harm. No way civilization can sustain itself like that.
Canada. We still got it good over here, but not for long. Trudeau being the dumbass that he is is making sure to change that. We have a massive illegal immigrant problem flooding past our border from America now thanks to his stupid tweet telling them to come on in. He refuses to spend anything on our veterans but thinks nothing of giving 10 million dollar payouts to terrorists. He's the worst thing imaginable. So when I hear Americans bitch about Trump for cleaning up America, when his garbage is LITERALLY spreading across on to our borders, I can't help but laugh. We were good under Harper. Ten years of stability gone within two under Trudeau.
There's no problem with Islam itself as long as it isn't imported to where it doesn't belong. But let's not pretend immigrant problem is primarily ideological instead of ethnic. There's a large population of muslims in Bosnia for example who are basically the same people as other citizens of Bosnia and there's no such problems. On the other hand you have african christian immigrants who are hardly better for europe than the islamic ones.