MovieChat Forums > Gisaengchung (2019) Discussion > Let's be Honest Parasite sucked

Let's be Honest Parasite sucked

Boring movie, wasn't funny, wasn't shocking. Ooh it went all Tarantino like we haven't seen that before in the last 30 years. What was the point of this movie? A family of grifters makes some bad choices and everyone ends up paying the price.

Oh, it was a bold statement on the social economical stratification of South Korean culture. Yup rich people are idiots and poor people are geniuses who are down on their luck. Not like the Kims could have parlayed their talents into regular jobs. Nope they were fated to fold pizza boxes for eternity.

How the heck did this film win Best Picture? And how can it be described as a dark comedy when I didn't even chuckle once?


And how can it be described as a dark comedy when I didn't even chuckle once?

Alright, guys. Stop calling this a dark comedy because 6248 didn't chuckle once.


Ok, it's a light comedy now.


Well, there’s plenty of lights being turned on and off.


I totally disagree. I thought it was entertaining and well made. The actors did a great job and the screenplay was excellent.


Yeah, we found it sort of disappointing also. 6/10 and not of sufficient caliber to be the Oscar winner.


It started off interesting but didn't pay off in the end IMO


I thought it was unconventional, entertaining and thought provoking. And at times darkly funny.


Yup rich people are idiots and poor people are geniuses who are down on their luck.

Well at least you got something right.


"it went all Tarantino" .. doesnt Tarantino admit to steal vision and material from the Koreans all the time tho? Or Japanese, I dont remember...


Oh come on, didn't you laugh when the guy said the son's picture was a chimpanzee, and the mother said it was a self-portrait? Admittedly, that was the only time I laughed, and I was very disappointed in the movie.
