This was horrible, I’m tired of him…
Christopher Nolan needs to reign it back.
shareI'll kinda tired off him too. I think his best film was The Prestige. I wasn't impressed with Inception, I figured it all out a few minutes in and like this it was boring and convoluted. I've seen better star trek eps with similar themes and plots. He should go back to his roots and I first discovered him with Memento and recall what made him great in the first place.
shareYeah My favorites of his are TDK and Insomnia.
shareTenet was tiresome trope. Nolan has become a fat cat.
shareMost films are annoyingly predictable and pander to low IQ cattle. I’m actually pleased that Nolan tries to stretch himself, and us, and offers up something different.
That said, the opening sequence of this film was an example of what frustrates me about Nolan. Is there any good reason why it’s incredibly hard to follow and has borderline inaudible dialogue making it even more impenetrable?
Is Nolan trying to confuse the audience? If so, why? I’m willing to give Nolan a lot of slack because he’s one of the few half-decent Hollywood directors left and I like a film to challenge me, but this smacks of bad storytelling.
Or… he likes the experience of having to keep up with a complex movie and wants to create that experience for the audience.
I just don’t think Tenet needs to be any more puzzling than it already is. The sci-fi time bending stuff and broader plot are confounding enough - surely sequences like the opening are opportunities to draw in the audience before you blow their minds with all the crazy stuff later on??