The Biggest Logic Fail in movie history! ***Spoilers***
The future humans have decided to kill the present humans & reverse what present humans did to the planet.
They believe that by doing so, it won't affect their existence (Grandfather Paradox) or even if they're not sure, they still want to take chance as their life is already fked up as Earth in the future is not so habitable. Fine!
They can have either of these Two Outcomes :-
1. Once they activate the Algorithm, the past humans will be destroyed and the Future humans too will cease to exist instantly because they killed their ancestors and henceforth cannot have been born.
2. Once they activate the Algorithm, the past humans will be destroyed and the Future humans will continue to exist as the 'Grandfather paradox' doesn't apply.
They are prepared for Option 1 (To die)
And if they are lucky i.e. Option 2, they survive.
My point is: If nothing will change, then even the climate/habitat won't change. If they have negated the effect on their own existence, the effect on the climate will also stay negated.
The movie suggests that by Option 2, Future humans' existence won't change but the climate/habitat will. How ??? WTF!!! Seriously?
Did this simple logic not occur to Nolan when he was busy scribbling this gimmickry tale?