MovieChat Forums > Tenet (2020) Discussion > If you didn't get it you're stupid

If you didn't get it you're stupid

Lol just kidding... There's nothing to 'get' in Nolan movies. They are targeted at thirteen year old kids so that they can pretend to be smart after watching them. If you're into 'complex' characters and stories read some Shakespeare or Chekhov (no, not the guy from Star Trek). Not much happening there in terms of action or time inversion bullshit. But a lot of multilayered and fascinating characters. Nolan makes hollow and pretentious stuff all shiny and cool looking. Maybe he should consider hiring a good screenwriter for his next movie.


OR.... if you didn't get it, PUZZLE FILMS may not be in your interest?

If Shakespeare is Symphony music, and Nolan is Modern Trance .... why compare them? Too different.


Oh god.... there's that "pretentious" word again that nobody knows what it means but sounds film-knowledge cool. :D

/prəˈten(t)SHəs/ Learn to pronounce
attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

This is literally every film that has ever been made. It is WHY a film is made.


Hi, I know exactly what it means but thanks for putting up the definition which fits perfectly for Nolan. Accordingly the opposite would be filmmakers who actually CREATE importance, talent, culture, style, art, you name it etc.


soooooo someone considers this shit, another considers it a masterpiece.... who is wrong? someone who DISAGREES with you?


Of course not. Don't know what you're talking about. The vast majority of moviegoers disagree with me. Nolan is one of the most successful filmmakers today. But so is Michael Bay or JJ Abrams. I'm just calling him out for what he is (in MY OPINION) an overrated, bland, superficial hack (with talentfor visuals though).


I get it and that is totally fair.

From my end, I've never seen any films that were smarter than most of his. Clever twists, impacting dialog, hitting the points quietly from unguessable directions. VERY mentally entertaining to me.

If you know smarter, better designed ones, please point them out, because there seem to be too few of them.

Sixth Sense, Fracture... that kind of stuff, where you have to pay attention, and most everything is designed an woven on purpose.


I enjoy most of Nolan's films, but I am getting tired of his fans calling others stupid for not liking his movies. They will say, "you didn't get it", "go watch Fast and Furious".


I'll wait for dvd so I can watch it several times to understand it.


Fair enough


I enjoyed it, not as much as TDK/TDKR and Interstellar but it was still really good.
