The reviews sound promising :-)
These are the highlighted reviews in RT right now:
Although shaky in its communication of the science, it more than makes up for it in ambition and stupendous action.
Emma Simmonds
The List
It's easy to be dazzled by its visual feats, but it's hard to truly enjoy a film that leaves its audience feeling entirely befuddled and exhausted by everything they've just experienced.
Doug Jamieson
The Jam Report
bold, epic and ingenious
Chris Hunneysett
Daily Mirror (UK)
Washington in the lead is perfect and as we already saw in Spike Lee's BlacKkKlansman, he can carry a film on his shoulders. In Tenet this is even more evident.
Tero Heikkinin
Tenet instead feels like it's pushing you away from engaging with its deeper plot, rather than inviting you in to engage with it intimately.
Andrew F. Peirce
The Curb
Overlong, noisy, full of poe-faced delivery of portentous dialogue, needlessly convoluted plot threads, unearned sense of gravitas that verges on the unintentionally hilarious and a script that isn't even vaguely as clever as it seems to think it is
Anthony O'Connor
FILMINK (Australia)
If Tenet had paid as much attention to its writing and character work as it did to its visual and conceptual ambitions, it could have been a masterpiece instead of merely great. But it's still great.
Wenlei Ma
News. com. au
It's breathtaking at times, and frustrating at others, but even with all its near-detrimental ambition it's a film that is at least trying to break a familiar mould.
Peter Gray
The AU Review
It's a tense, bewildering assault on the senses. It was never going to live up to all the expectations - but despite the frayed plot and bad script, this is still a film you need to see.
Jamie East
The Sun (UK)
It's a high concept thriller which never fails to take itself with deadly seriousness but Tenet fails to live up to the intriguing set-up in the first act and doesn't quite convince the viewer of its internal logic...
Alan Corr
RTÉ (Ireland)
If a headache can ever be pleasurable, it's when watching Tenet.
Tom Beasley
Flickering Myth
Nolan is an artist extraordinaire.
Scott Davis
Both positive and negative reviews sound promising. What I mean with that? The negative reviews sound like the usual critics to Nolan: "a script that isn't even vaguely as clever as it seems to think it is", "It's a tense, bewildering assault on the senses. It was never going to live up to all the expectations". That's the kind of critics I've seen more than once with Inception.
What I get from these critics, from both positive and negative ones, is that with all its virtues and flaws, this is another typical Nolan movie. Another Inception, another Prestige. And if you like this director, this sound promising. share