MovieChat Forums > Tenet (2020) Discussion > Why color looks so dim?

Why color looks so dim?

From the trailers, it looks like all shot in cloudy days, Dunkirk has the same problem.

It's weird, Inception and The Dark Knight have normal color, begin with Interstellar, Nolan's movies all have dim color.

Is Nolan concern theaters don't have HDR?


The responsible is probably this guy.

He has been the director of photography in Dunkirk, Interstellar and this one.


I know Nolan change DP, my question remain: Why color look so dim?

When I watch Interstellar and Dunkirk, every days scene look like cloudy days.


Because that's this DP's style. Check his other movies (Ad Astra, Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy), all of them have a dim color.


So you're saying director has no right to give order to DP?

I though director has the right to say: "Why color look so dim? Change it."
