I don't get it...

Why do I hate this movie so much? I mean I should LOVE it, the premise is great (I love multiverse/ alternate reality stuff) and the cast is good. But after watching it 3 times it still doesn't work for me.

Maybe I'm stuck on a corner of multiverse where this version of me is not supposed to 'get' it.


I didn’t like it either and couldn’t wait for it to be over.


Because it's obnoxious, goofy and infantile.


The movie was all hype and strictly an Oscar magnet. It will not age well. It’s a shame too- the Banshees of Insherin was the best film last year and it was robbed.


Not enough diversity in it obviously.

Award shows love diversity.

Which is why no one watches award shows.


It's been a long time since the Oscars were about rewarding quality.


I feel the same. The concept is right up my alley but this was just pointless and boring as hell.


I also don't get it.. I enjoyed parts of it but overall it was just annoying and boring


Because it wasn't good. Don't denigrate your taste or movie instincts.


You hated it yet watched it three times? Weird.


For pity sake, why watch movie you hate 3 times?
