Just Finished Watching The Series (Mucho Spoilers)
I really liked this and can't wait for the next series. However, I have a *metric ton* of questions about stuff that happened along the way. One of the most interesting features of this story is that almost everyone Faith interacts with is a highly unreliable narrator. We can see that in the differences between what they tell Faith and what the flashbacks show. The downside is that it could be a bit confusing at times.
{spoiler heavy so it's all under this cut}
In no particular order.....
Eve's sister in law Bevan seems to really dislike her but it isn't clear why. Was she taking anti-depressants, stealing, and drinking before Evan disappeared or did his disappearance trigger something?
Why would Reardon help Faith? She obviously wanted to have sex with Evan and he turned her down because he loved his wife. Reardon was obviously jealous and pissed because she lied and told Faith a couple of times that she was sleeping with Evan. So what flips the switch?
What is the relationship between Tom (Evan's father) and the secretary? I kept waiting for it to come out that they two of them had an affair and he felt guilty about it.
Why did Evan's mother tell him about his father? I thought she volunteered the information to him but she said that he asked her and she was forced to tell him. Was she fibbing to save face or did I miss something? Why did he accuse her wanting everyone to be as miserable as she was? Was there some kind of hint to her being dissatisfied with her life before that?
I got totally lost on which cop was on which side and what Faith knew/assumed. It was clear that Williams had it in for Faith to the extent that she planted her earring at a crime scene. But, was she working the Huw Parry, the crooked cop? Was she sincere when she came to Faith's house to apologize?
I'm assuming that Evan really did come back in that last scene and it wasn't just Faith dreaming. Knowing what he did and the mess he left behind, what was with his big smile. I would think he'd be a bit more bashful.
This is a comment, not a question. The action of the 8 episodes takes place over the course of about 7.5 days. I'm willing to suspend disbelief, but Faith going from being deeply in love with her husband and frantic over his loss to going to kiss Steve is wholly unbelievable.
Next comment... Arthur's story is so sad but very socially relevant. All everyone sees is a dirty, unkempt drug addict. What no one sees is that he's a veteran. Maybe the next series will delve into how he went from serving Queen and Country to the state he's in at the start of the series.
I'm sure I'll think of a bunch of other questions later :|