The jump scares in these films were annoying as hell.
Like i was watching a Paul Anderson Resident Evil film.
Not so bad in the second one but it happened, and it was infuriating, not scary.
Great films otherwise.
Like i was watching a Paul Anderson Resident Evil film.
Not so bad in the second one but it happened, and it was infuriating, not scary.
Great films otherwise.
I completely agree.
I hate jump scares and the tension that goes with them.
Even though I love sci-fi like this and used to quite like horror.
I was even going to watch A Quiet Place again before watching A Quiet Place 2.
Well, I started watching it but turned it off because of the tension.
There are fewer jump scares in Quiet Place 2 , I think.
Definitely, jump
scares are cheap. Slow-burn
scares are tough to do.