the lost Xmen v F4 movie

so this was around 2011 to be directed by Paul Greengrass. so presumably itd have taken the place of First Class and have starred Jackman and Co vs the Tim Story F4 team along with Affleck as DareDevil and Ryan Renyolds as Deadpool

so had it happened:
-no X prequels/First Class (not until a couple years later anyway).
-no Evans as Cap America (unless Fox wanted to recast the F4 for this movie?).
-no Batfleck (as hed have been too recent as Daredevil again..unless Fox wanted to recast or he didn't want to do it again.. but then Fox might've been ok with him coming back as hed become a lot more respected since DD in 2003 and he might've been keen to do it when he realised it was a big deal involving Xmen and had such a respected director in Greengrass).
-Deadpool movies probably would've still happened. maybe earlier
