Disagree. The MCU stuck it out to develop their characters and continue their stories. FoX-Men had to keep rebooting because they preferred to wing it instead of coming up with an overall outline for future movies. They also couldn't keep Singer aboard and couldn't even keep him in the director's chair while he was there. They also couldn't keep Vaughn who ended up doing his Kingsman series. So what we got was reboot after reboot with a couple good movies in between. Then they got stuck with Kinberg because J Law said thats the only way she'd do another one.
Did Marvel do Logan or was that Fox? I forget, I really liked that one. With so many super hero movies, it's a wonder how one can remember most of them. Now I got to wait next week for Men In Black International then Spider-Man in July. While Marvel now holds the reigns on the IP, I thought it was still Fox's choices somewhat on whom they add in.
share"Logan" was Fox. The director, James Mangold, was also responsible for "The Wolverine", but managed to wrest even more control from the studios for a less expensive R-rated film.
As far as I'm aware, Marvel Studios has complete control over 'X-Men' in order to restart it again from scratch. It's not a co-sharing agreement like Sony with 'Spider-Man'.
You can read all of my latest film reviews here: https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake
I've had problems with Fox's X-Men even going back to the first Bryan Singer movies. I did enjoy them, but they also left a bad aftertaste in my mouth
I grew up on the Animated series and X-Men video games, so it was sad to watch them shy away from that beautiful, colorful world in those first movies. They didn't feel like real X-Men movies to me
Their best films, IMO, were First Class and Deadpool. Everything else, to me, was disappointing to varying degrees. Some were straight up abortions, like Last Stand, Origins: Wolverine, and Apocalypse
Even DoFP rubbed me the wrong way. Why the hell can't we just see Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Beast etc. teaming up and kicking some ass? Why does everything have to revolve around Magneto and Mystique?
Not saying that the MCU and DCEU are perfect. I have my own bone to pick with those franchises. But at least, I feel, they haven't disrespected the source material consistently for the past couple of decades. Anyway, it's all over now. Fox can't hurt me anymore, so I'm happy
Some of the best X-Men comics (like Grant Morrison's 'New X-Men') were heavily influenced by Singer's films. Morrison's run on the comic is worth tracking down, if only to read his pitch. You can find a short summary here: https://www.cbr.com/248390-2/
Yes, I was hoping that the 1990's setting of 'Dark Phoenix' would mean it would lean into the aesthetics of "X-Men: The Animated Series" (which I also loved). The final moments of 'Apocalypse' even teased those costumes!
But I can understand why Kinberg favoured the original X-Men costumes - it gave them a more uniform appearance as the first government-sanctioned mutant "superhero" team.
You can read all of my latest film reviews here: https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake
Your favourite X-Men film was “First Class” ... a rushjob of a film with some of the worst acting, digital and make-up effects in the series?
I’m unsurprised.
No offense...but rebooting this tired franchise so early...killed it.
All they did was make a cheap buck with actors we have no emotional attachment to.
Same thing with Spiderman. Absolutely pointless Andy Garfield films just to make a buck.
Should have ended with “Logan” but noooooo....
If 'Logan' is your preferred ending, I think that's still fine.
It's one of the advantages of 'X-Men' having a looser continuity and timeline compared to other comic book "universe" series.
You can read all of my latest film reviews here: https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake
shareYou didn't enjoy any of the 'X-Men' films? Not even 'Logan' or 'Deadpool'?
You can read all of my latest film reviews here: https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake
Singer's personal visions? Yeah, his personal gay visions since he made all the X-Men males into androgynous young men so he could get his rocks off of them...
shareAgree. The XMen films were always more grounded and 'realistic' and (like the Reeve Superman films and Burton/Nolan Batman movies) than the more obvious 'Superheroes' of MCU and DCU films. I know both of them started 'realistic' (IronMan1/MoS) and then got more outlandish as went on (as did XMen) but XMen always seemed more 'real' to me less like a live action cartoon. Take Endgame which is undoubtedly a great fun movie but its almost like a cartoon and as outlandish/epic as LOTR ..where's if you compare it to XMens version which is probably DOFP (with Apocalypse = Thanos) it just feels more 'realworld' and important like 'if' there were mutant 'superheroes' in the world and involved in some world ending event and there was time travel then this is probably what it would be like..(even Apocalypse felt abit like that despite all the negativity) and obviously the 1st XMen dealt with it in an almost 'Unbreakable' way before they went more 'superhero' about halfway. I think maybe the actors in XMen are more grounded and 'real' than in MCU/DCU the likes of Stewart, McKellan, Fassbender and even Jackman just seem to elevate it all ..even in Dark Phoenix once Fassbender appears it just seems to make it real
I guess ultimately I just like things to be kept fairly real. not like I'm watching a live action Cartoon
Its abit of a shame Xverse has been totally defeated by the sheer power and might of MCU (even DCU was defeated abit but they getting back after the JL fiasco)..it put up a good fight thogh (DOFP/Logan) and its not as if they could go on forever (like MCU is planning).. all things end (again like the real world) and often its in a bad depressing way (as in Logan..its not as if the XMen was ever going to have a happy ending)
I honestly don't think Marvel Studios "defeated" Fox's X-Men on a creative level, since they were still releasing films like 'Logan', 'Deadpool' (and its sequel), setting up 'X-Force' and 'The New Mutants' and had TV series like 'Legion' and 'The Gifted'.
Disney simply just paid a lot of money to merge with Fox.
You can read all of my latest film reviews here: https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake
Fox's X-men was Hit and Miss. But at least they took risks. You dipshit really think we would have gotten a Deadpool movie or a Rated-R Logan movie if Disney owned X-men from the beginning. Disney Buys Companies so they don't have to come up with new idea. There more creative bankrupt than shit.
shareI agree that Fox took risks with their casting, storytelling and direction which benefited the "X-Men" films and, unfortunately, which Marvel will never try and attempt.
For example, the very first "X-Men" film has Magneto's mother being dragged away to the gas chamber of a concentration camp in World War II. "Captain America: The First Avenger" barely touched on the realities of Nazi Germany ... in fact, the film quickly replaced the Nazi party with Cap's war against H.Y.D.R.A.
You can read all of my latest film reviews here: https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/about/Jake