MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Discussion > Please don't destroy my childhood.

Please don't destroy my childhood.

I was lucky enough to witness the awesome Claremont/Byrne run on X-Men, which was so influential that it's still referred to, even now in the current crop of X-titles. Plus Byrne's equally awesome run on FF.

Now, the studios have already successfully mangled the FF. Please don't do the same to the Dark Phoenix Saga as well.


Just don’t set your expectations too high. After months of having poor test screenings and it being called a disaster, the movie has reportedly continue to test poorly with audiences.

As always, take these reports with a grain of salt but considering how the movie has been pushed back two-three times already... things simply aren’t looking good for it. But it’s still several months away, so anything can change. This story really deserves to be done justice.


I think you are confusing comic fans with general audiences. All the complaints have been mostly towards the story compared to the comics, rather than technical issues it seems. The general reaction has not been revealed and the reshoots only significantly changed the third act.

And there was only two delays, the second happened before any of the recent test screenings.


No. I specifically mentioned the test screenings (what makes you think all these test audiences have been fans of the comics?), not the future reception by general audiences. Test screenings exist for a reason and so far none of Dark Phoenix’s test screenings have been positively received. Why release something if there’s a good chance general audiences themselves will be extremely disappointed by it?

Check this...

Laughing at scenes that are supposed to be serious? That clearly has nothing to do with how unfaithful the movie is to the comics, but rather how the quality of the movie itself is kinda bad. So, I’m not the one who’s spinning things.

Sure, you can take these as nothing but baseless rumors. Although despite all the clear negativity that has surrounded the movie... its supposed unfaithfulness to the source material hasn’t at all been the main issue from what I’ve read... obviously your faith in this movie is stronger than anyone’s. Hence, you shruff off any negative reporting concerning Dark Phoenix and like to bring up things like the fact that it managed to land third place as the most anticipated film of 2019 on IMDb (yet it barely cracks the top 5 or even 10 in many other online polls). Hey, good for you. Maybe - and hopefully - once the movie comes out it’ll prove most people wrong and exceed expectations.

But the reality is, the movie has had a troubled production and many have been expressing their concerns over it for good reasons. But you keep believing, so more power to ya! No untrustworthy test audiences shall doom this movie! And I don’t want it to fail, either. All the same, you can’t disregard the facts. Or you can — we live in that kind of world now.


If I’m correct, hundreds of people go to test screenings. These are not reactions from hundreds of people. But a few bloggers that heard stuff from like six people they know. And most complaints are:

-For being a "more accurate" take on the story, it leaves out elements that were crucial to the original version (mostly on the cosmic side).

-It retreads ground that was already covered in X-Men: The Last Stand, even in places where it wouldn't be justified by means of covering the same story material.

These don’t sound like complaints from a causal viewer, now do they? They are from the few fans that went to 3 screenings. There was also a screening back in October, which we heard zero reactions from.

“Laughing at scenes that are supposed to be serious? That clearly has nothing to do with how unfaithful the movie is to the comics, but rather how the quality of the movie itself is kinda bad. I’m not spinning things.”

And that was one of the few takes of that scene. Read this link for context:

“like to bring up things like the fact that it managed to land third place as the most anticipated film of 2019 on IMDb”

I did no such thing in this thread. Stay on topic.


And I’ve already seen John Campea’s video. He said that if he explained what the complaints were it would be spoil-ish. So it seems the complaints are on a story level instead of a technical level.


its supposed unfaithfulness to the source material hasn’t at all been the main issue from what I’ve read

What has been the main issue then? Because all these reactions have been pretty vague as far I have seen and from a small sample size. Can you back up your claim?


Lol the link you posted quoted some random dude on twitter who only has 8 followers and people who saw the screening are not suppose to say anything.

Are you serious?


No, I’m not. I just wanted to elicit this response from you. Goal!

Oh, but this was just one article that was sorta shared from another (arguably more trusted) source. I can share more similar reports to this one - that didn’t come from this individual - if you like?

I won’t kid myself... it is important to follow the source behind these things. That said, there have been numerous similar reports to this one months. Why is that? (It’s happened with big budget movies that ended up disappointing). And are any of them valid? Well, I know for months one individual I follow has been very vocal about these rumors and test screenings and has said to disregard them. If the reports seem sketchy, then don’t trust them is what he's been saying. He hasn’t at all bought any of the negativity surrounding the film. Yet last week, he reluctantly shared details that some insiders (he’s connected to the biz — another sketchy one? That would be your opinion) told him that the production and the movie itself has, in fact, been a “disaster”. What does this tell us? Nothing. Believe what you want or trust.

At this point, it is best to simply wait for the movie to come out and see if it’ll put all this “fake news” to rest. Prove all the non-insiders wrong! But in the meantime, I’m inclined to believe the production of this movie hasn’t gone smoothly, to say the least. That doesn’t mean the movie will ultimately turn out to be bad like some have said it apparently is... however I’m expecting it will go either way.


Yet last week, he reluctantly shared details that some insiders (he’s connected to the biz — another sketchy one? That would be your opinion) told him that the production and the movie itself has, in fact, been a “disaster”.

You’re referring to John Compea. The insider he was talking to was just talking about the production. If he was referring to the movie itself being a distaster than John wouldn’t have said “this could just be the opinion of a couple of people”.

Though I heard that the cut they recently screened since to be a mess that leaves out important information.


I think you might be interested in reading this thread.


yet it barely cracks the top 5 or even 10 in many other online polls

It’s in third place in China.


You'll still have your memories. That run on X-Men isn't going to disappear.


Fox: But it's what I live for.
