MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Discussion > Yes I'm so happy take it marvel fans you...

Yes I'm so happy take it marvel fans your precious x-men and fantastic four is not joining in mcu hahaha

Please brazil antitrust block this deal I would cry and dance with joy if it happens it would be my happiest day my beloved x men and fantastic four would be saved
Link :-;FOX;DIS-Brazil-antitrust-says-Fox-deal-with-Disney-cause-for-concern-Bloomberg-says



sorry the next decade will be yet another decade of Dominance by Disney and the MCU but this time it will be reboots of the X-Men,Fantastic Four,Wolverine and Deadpool movies ...

Poor WB got owned for a Decade by B,C,D list characters that Marvel Studios turned into the biggest box office draws in the world, lol Marvel took Ant-Man, Doctor Strange and GOTG....and made them bigger draws than Batman, Superman and Justice League

now WBs gonna getting owned for another decade by Reboots......

on the bright side....WB does seem to be heading in the right direction now that every once of Snyder's Murderverse has been cut out piece by piece like Cancer and WB has decided to FULL On copy the MCU...

have you seen the reactions to Aquaman....critics are calling it "The Best Marvel movie DC has ever made" literally that actually what critics said....


March 20th, Martha!

7 days and you'll be all sad and grumpy!


I'm a billionaire my 1 day earning>>>Your 1 year income lol


Off-topic and a blatant lie.

Billionaires would not "cry and dance with joy" if a business merger they have no financial stake in did not go through. They wouldn't do it if they HAD a stake in it. Nor would billionaires be posting on a movie message board and not using grammar or spelling.

Nor would they offer to eat excrement if they're proven wrong about a box office estimate. Which you did. And then reneged on.


How you feelin', Martha?


I don't understand what this post is trying to say.


Disney may buy AT&T yet.


While some people may prefer Fox X-Men, while I enjoyed them there were things in them that bothered me as a fan of the 90s X-Men cartoon. Like Rogue. I didn't like her in the movies. She just wasn't the cool character she was in the cartoon. Also even though I like Wolverine he got way too much screentime and took away too much screentime from Cyclops. Also Phoenix should be first about a cosmic force and a bunch of aliens protecting a powerful crystal from an evil male alien who wants to use it to take over the entire universe.

That's why I am not seeing this movie. They just went straight to Dark Phoenix which had already been done instead of doing something more different and unique. I'm through with Fox X-Men. Now thanks to the people behind the Fox movies we probably won't get the awesome story I mentioned. Because Marvel Studios won't be retreading old ground. I will say I do enjoy X-Men 1 and 2 and also enjoy Logan, X-Men First Class, X-Men Days of Future Past, and I even liked X-Men Apocalypse. And yes I wouldn't mind if Marvel redid Apocalypse to make him more like the cartoon I mentioned. But I do look forward to Marvel's changes. I might not even mind if they make a majority of the X-Men characters teenagers like Evolution did if it means different things can be done.
