MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) Discussion > How I want X-Men movies in the future.

How I want X-Men movies in the future.

I think they should do it like the Avengers movies. Have a few films a year that focus on different teams of the X-Men. Like one film on Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Ice Man. Then another film that focuses on Gambit, Rogue, and Jubilee. Professor Xavier would be in all of them. Then every few years do a big team up movie with all our favorite X-Men characters. This would give character development enough for all the characters instead of just having a movie where a majority of characters don't get enough screentime.


This isn’t the place to discuss that.


Starting off the new incarnation of the franchise this way would naturally make sense. Having one or two major X-Men make cameos (perhaps they’ll be making their debut) in these individual films would be suitable as well. Plus, the day the mutants come in contact with the Avengers... that shall be monumental.

Moreover, once the X-Men are integrated into the MCU (much to MCU haters’ chagrin), I feel the characters that have been underused and/or not done justice - Cyclops, Storm, Gambit, Angel - will expectantly be given the treatment they’ve deserved. But however they decide to bring these characters into the larger Marvel universe, I trust Marvel will deliver the goods. Excited I am!

P.S. the X-Men film franchise as we know it may be coming to an end (not including hopefully Deadpool). But nevertheless, this is an appropriate place to discuss their future on the big screen. Where else.


One of the problems with the Fox X-Men movies is that they kept focusing on the same 2-3 mutants. Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Storm, etc. all have great backstories to explore. The MCU would be wise to branch off and give the spotlight to some others for a change.


Although I appreciate and love (LOVE) most of the X-Men films, I'm happy theyll be joining the MCU in the future. I do feel that the last 3 films (First Class, Days/Future Past, Apocalypse) started making up for the heretic mistreatment of major characters (mainly Cyclops) , but it is a little too late.

Fox had close to 20 years to do right by the characters, but they dropped the ball and choked, overall. I'm excited to see how Disney will treat them in the future. If they could handle as many main characters as they did in Infinity War (which is the only thing that film did right), then handling the X-Men characters shouldn't be a problem.


Marvel Studios was behind Wolverine & The X-Men.


Thanks for the correction, PM!


What’chu mean?

Other than Kevin Feige getting to review some of the scripts for previous X-Men films (including the upcoming Dark Phoenix), Marvel Studios hasn’t touched the (soon-to-be-former Fox properties) X-Men at all, let alone produce any of the movies. So they had no involvement whatsoever in the Fox X-Men era, but u know dat right ;|

But soon Marvel Studios will finally have the X-Men. Call it a.... Homecoming! Yea.


Look up at the producing and writing credit on the Wolverine & The X-Men cartoon.


I really like that, and would make it feel all the more doable and amazing if they ever did later cross over with the MCU or something


Here's how i want them - in the bin outside the pitching room.
