
I just ran into this on Yahoo when the video started to play the trailer on my screen while reading mail. How to kill a prostitute or some such. What the you-know-what is happening to our putrid country and culture these days. Is there nothing too low to not even be hidden or segmented. If I was a woman I would really wonder what kind of message this is sending to the males of our culture?

How do people justify acting in garbage like this? Yeah ... money.

The people with so money decide they must corrupt society so it is all about them, and then keep others down while spinning media showing all this sick kind of stuff.

It's hard to know which was worse ... this stuff, or the other extreme of when I was a kid how you could not even swear on screen in the movies, hell or damn?


There is no sex and nobody dies. There is a lot of comedy in this film, though.

You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and just wanted to rant angrily about your impression of a movie’s trailer.

You have a staggering 3000+ posts on this board but I have yet to read anything of value that you have to say about films.
