The very ending (spoilers)

The movie needs some trimming... it did drag a lot.

The other thing is that the black guy that survives changes his life so radically I thought it was a dream sequence from jail... there's no way he can get rid of that gold so quickly (11 months) or move the cash and acquire all of this wealth in less than a year... he's very likely to get caught... there shouldn't have been a happy ending for any of the characters.



That ending was straight up infuriating, it reminded me of the ending from Eden Lake in which it should've been kept as an alternate ending.




Yeah. Realistically I imagine unless he had some very special connections,(which seems unlikely) he wouldn't be able move that kind of money in such a short time period. As for the bittersweet "happy" ending in general, I didn't so much mind. I guess they decided to go with a more "palpable" ending rather than end on a morbid note after the film had already been pretty nihilistic throughout.




I feel like that wasn't the original ending, but the studio forced him to change it to avoid backlash of the film being racist.


Think it ended with Gibson popping him in the seat and taking all the gold for himself?

Now that would have been an ending.


I think the best, and most realistic, ending would have been for the two to be guessing the other was going to pull a gun on the other or something the whole way home. Then, having it end up that neither did anything, they just go home with their share of the gold and that's it.


That actually would have been a solid ending.


Yeah I agree, and the ending was the only fault in a film which I feel was otherwise bloody brilliant.

There was a tense moment (ok there were a lot of those...) just before they emptied the car before pushing it into the lake. It was made clear they both had a gun, and for a moment they both disappeared from view. At that moment I fantasized the movie ending like this - a gunshot/flash, and then the van simply drives away, leaving the viewer clueless as to who shot who. Maybe I just have a thing for ambiguous endings, but it's an ending I would have loved!


"God dammit, I watch Zoller movies because I heard he was as racist as I am! THIS ENDING SUCKS!"


Even if he could magically move that gold that quickly, it's INSANE to move into a mega-mansion like that. Talk about putting the spotlight directly on you! After the massive body count from that robbery, and all the dead in the wake of the robbery, every law enforcement agency, local, state and Federal would be looking everywhere for the perpetrators.

Very odd, and brought the film down in its last minutes. Gibson and Vaughn are killed because they are considered abusive policemen, and the black guy gets all the money. Pretty obvious SJW commentary there.


Totally agree ! I do like this movie but yeah the slight undertones of white guys must be ultimately punished was a bit ffs here we go again.


I also give it a 6/10, and 100% agree with you.

Way too risky to let someone have that leverage over you.

Was the only thing I disliked about the film (aside from terrible pacing).

Mel is our protagonist. At least have them both die in the white car at the end, better message. His character was too smart not to shoot the remaining robber in the head the first chance he got.


The guy at the end getting the gold doesn't sit well with me. He's literally guilty of mass murder. Not actually pulling the trigger doesn't matter. Committing a crime where your accomplices murder people makes you guilty of murder as well. He knew his accomplices were armed and he knew a lot of innocent people could die if the robbery went south.


there's no way he can get rid of that gold so quickly

Given his experience in the criminal world, that could be done easily. Find a fence, who buys it from him, melts it, and redistributes it.
