the woman hostage

if shed not shot Vince and instead just kept crawling away shed have made it through the whole ordeal and her family would've been safe as Vogelmann was taken out by Mel anyway (and hed have had Vince there too) would've been a different outcome. - but then would mel and vince been able to take out Vogelman and Co the way mel did it single handed under pressure/rage/luck. They were outgunned automatic weapons/reinforced van etc (although one was injured and Mel did have the tear gas stuff).. and Henry would've filmed it all but no Mel removing mask or killing the hostage .. so if they had taken out Vogelman and Co would he have dared taken them on? i guess hed have to do something as otherwise they'd have all the gold.. (he wouldn't know they were cops until they removed their masks which they would do eventually if they managed to take out Vogelmann) .. or maybe he would chose not to prioritize money over having a heartbeat and just split ? Idk..
