Looks like a
"The Fault in Our Stars" wannabe.
shareI KNEW someone, or you, was gonna say that! I knew someone would, it was just what I was thinking..not even based on any of that book's author John Green's books. (There's also, from other authors, EVERYTHING EVERYTHING and MY SISTER'S KEEPER, and at least MSK as a film was BIG! (I've seen all three.)
shareBoom snap is still the best song ever.
shareWhat is it with the "sick teen" movies? Why are they popular? Why do healthy young people want to watch movies about other kids getting sick and dying?
Someone please explain.
Beats me. I don't write the crap.
shareI was at the movies, seeing something else, and observed this movie exiting. It was all young women crying.
This stuff is a kind of porn for women who enjoy watching suffering and find it sexy/romantic, etc. Most such girls wouldn't get into a relationship with a person who didn't have advantages and things to give them, much like most guys wouldn't bring a porn star home to meet mom, although they would watch porn all day long.
Long story short, this is a form of female focused suffering porn.
After a little idle consideration, I think this trend exists because people like to feel sorry for themselves, or sorry for someone they identify with emotionally. As a mass market trend, I dont see it taking the place of superhero movies.
And IMHO men enjoy feeling sorry for themselves just as much as women, but women are willing to be weepy in public, and men aren't.
No, women like feeling sorry for others because it makes them feel powerful.
It's the basis for codependence which women are famous for. That's where you pretend you don't like seeing people disabled, in some way, but really you want them to stay that way so you can shine as a helper.
Superheroes are popular because men feel sorry for other people and want to solve problems and make things better. That is a positive motivation.
So the take-away from your post is women bad and negative, men good and positive.
FYI, this: "men feel sorry for other people and want to solve problems and make things better" = "because it makes them feel powerful."
In both instances you posted, the desire to help others is a positive. In the instance about women, you tweaked it to also be about *enjoying* others being in a position where they need help. The same tweaking could be done to make your example of men be a negative. ("Men pretend they don't like seeing someone who has problems, in some way, but really they want them to stay that way so they can shine as a helper.")
Your post made no sense.
I said what I said because it's largely true.
You will not find many men with Munchhausen By Proxy (Factious Disorder) for example. That's where you make children sick to gain attention for yourself. Codependent relationships usually have the female in the role of "saint" with a male "bad boy". Women are noted for "virtual signaling" regarding PC speech, and so forth.
It's a female trait to want to seem like a saint based around some kind of ongoing negativity.
That isn't something men are noted for and why they aren't drawn to these movies.
You also won't find anywhere near the majority of murderers, rapists, and child molesters are women, either. That's also a largely true statement, but so?
Codependent people are the opposite side of the same unhealthy coin, with people who are abusive and/or addicted to various substances and behaviours on the other.
Sorry, but you can't simply turn a negative side of a female desire to help others without acknowledging the negative side of a male desire to help others. There are positive and negative aspects of both.
The topic is why women like these movies, not about the entire human condition.
shareYou brought in the topic of gender and also why, in your opinion, men like superhero movies and not these types of movies.
The actual topic is the movie.
I didn't bring gender into the topic, reality did.
I observed a theater filled with women at the movies. The demographic for these films is female and they are made for females.
The typical demographic for movies is young males. A bunch of dudes aren't going to see this movie.
So, the initial poster asked why people want to see these movies and I answered.
If you don't like the answer, then something is wrong with you.
You know who's the problem really is?
Neither man nor woman, is the Gays
Thats whats wrong.
Very few women associate feeling sorry for someone with power, or take it to the level of co-dependence, and those that do have no shortage of business in real life.
No, weeping over sappy movies is something else entirely, I still think its projected self-pity. Everyone enjoys a good self-pity party now and then, even those that like to turn self-pity into anger and blame.
Yes, but men tend not to go to these movies.
So, there has to be something about the psychology of women and these films.
IMHO men and women aren't that different in terms of feelings and the inner life, it's the expression of feelings that differs by sex, and that's because of socirty's expectations and not because men and wonen are vastly psychologically different.
It's not socially as acceptable for men to get weepy in public, and it's not socially acceptable for women to express anger in public, etc., so the sexes have developed different ways to deal with anger and sadness, and the same goes for a lot of other feelings.
You are right and wrong.
We are a product of society and how are mind interprets what society/environment teaches us. That's what the famous psychologist Alfred Adler believed and where my name comes from.
So, people are like products. You can look at a machine gun as just metal and some chemicals, but really it all was formed into a machine gun, and they are dangerous.
Men and women are different because they were formed into different products. Women are notorious as a group for different things and so are men. Men like certain kinds of movies, etc and women don't.
You might think you're all virtuous and PC, but marketing studies are about the same as psych studies only more hardcore, and business knows what men and women respond to. They respond to different things and that's how money is made off them through movies.
Wake up.
Just a minute... are these stupid "sick teen" moves being made for women, or for teenagers? Who IS the intended audience for these things? Groups of adult women, groups of gushy girls, or teenager couples on dates? Of course we'll never know because obviously nobody on this thread would be caught dead seeing a mess like this in a movie theater, but now I'm interested in who they think will pay money for this crap.
And people are not "products", and idiocy like that is why I regard the professions of advertising and marketing as Evil. They focus entirely on the weakest and shallowest aspects of human nature, because that's where the money is, and are not a source of information about anyone's true self.
“No, women like feeling sorry for others because it makes them feel powerful.“
Empathy usually makes people feel powerless, especially when it comes to films like this. There’s nothing regular people can do to help those dying from CF (outside of donating money), so why would women feel “powerful” for feeling sorry for dying teens?
“Superheroes are popular because men feel sorry for other people and want to solve problems and make things better. That is a positive motivation.”
I provided evidence for the one point.
Meanwhile, why do I owe you evidence.
Provide evidence for me that I'm wrong.
What evidence did you provide for saying "No, women like feeling sorry for others because it makes them feel powerful"?
Your "evidence" that this movie is "a kind of porn for women who enjoy watching suffering" was one anecdotal experience by you, walking past one showing of it, in which you claim the audience was "all young women crying." (Really? Every single person you saw exiting the theatre was a young woman, who was crying? I find that difficult to believe.)
You make assertions, the onus is on you to provide the evidence to back them up. Sorry, that's standard.
You provided no real evidence.
You don’t “owe” evidence for the sweeping statements you’re making? Well no, but backing up claims makes sense.
I don't know why they keep making "sick teen" movies? and why they are popular?
I don't watch movies about other kids getting sick and dying. I don't know why other people want to watch a movie about other kids getting sick and dying.
I think it might be reassuring to younger people that society actually cares about sick or disabled people. My sister when she was young used to love movies about blind people. These movies don't really appeal that much to me, but I find them in general a lot better that some nonsense about super-heroes, mutants and fantasy universes that do not exist ... explain that one to me.
I just see it as a familiar theme repackaged and aimed at teenagers..
It's the old true love, conflict and tragedy as old as time. Shakespeare did it hundreds of years ago with Romeo and Juliet. What's Titanic or any of those Nickolas Sparks stories? And all the hundreds of movies before all of them?
Nothings more romantic to young girls (and some guys) than romance that ends in tragedy...and obviously to adults too since it is a familiar theme in film. I don't think it's wrong to consider girls as more the target...They're more inclined toward romance. Young guys have their Achilles heel too.
Love Story used sickness over 50 years ago...and A Star is Born uses addiction. How is it so different?
Tragedy is as attractive to young people as immortalizing beautiful young celebrities that die young..
But adults do their share of it too.
Most people these days seem to hate any kind of happy endings in film. It's meaningless unless it makes them sad.
AGreed..I love happy endings..