MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > name another series with 4 duds in a row

name another series with 4 duds in a row

duds meaning they were/still are* considered a disappointment critically and just general audience opinion but weren't necessarily flops at the box office but in most cases will have underperformed.
(*of course some may since been reappraised as being ahead of their time)

Alien (A3, AR, Prometheus, Covenant - not including AvPs)

Predator (AvPx2, Predators, The Predator)


Every hellraiser after 2


How could i forget Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The first is a horror masterpiece, every sequel since was a mess (the 2003 reboot was decent)


STAR WARS is up to 8 now:



If you're gonna try to force this thing by including Clone Wars and Force Awakens you might aswell count RotJ in and call it nine duds in a row. Maybe there really are only two Star Wars movies that are truly great films, but I would only say there are two duds in the franchise with RotS and TLJ being almost-duds


The force awakens is a fair target but the clone wars?Thats not a movie?


There is a Clone Wars movie


wow and I thought it was just a TV show.


Alien 3 was better than Aliens. Not by much though.

I put Aliens on mute the other day and realized how awful it was in compression to the original. Then the famous knife scene with Lance Henriksen and Bill Paxton came on and I took it off mute.

After how stupid it all looked in comparison, I had to hit mute again.

Choppy dialogue, subpar special effects with the models, cardboard cutout secondary characters...the film is ** 1/2 stars at best.


this has to be the worst opinion I have ever seen on a site discussing movies ever, or on any site in general for that matter


All those silly soldiers:

"I just need to know one thing...where they are." A jaw dropping embarrassing moment.

Point. Bam. Boom.

The 25-45 minute portion of the movie is pure garbage.

Those silly mercenary soldiers.

That's 20 minutes of straight up screen time for the cardboard characters.

Cameron did the same thing with Abyss.


Agreed Alien3 was better then Aliens but only when you consider it a stand alone film. It was a series killer which is why its ranked so low.



I thought about Halloween but I think altho H2 wasnt too good it wasn't/isnt hated? and HW3: Season of the Witch is now considered something of a cult classic (it wasn't at the time tho) and I think fans were/are kind of ok with HW4: Return of Michael?...then I think 5 and 6 are considered bad. but 7 (H20) was basically what 2018 was for the Scream audience and was a hit and i remember everyone kind of liked it at the time..then 8 was an absolute joke/insult.. then the 2 Zombie remakes are generally considered bad, and finally 2018 which was a huge hit and everyone dug... so as far as can tell there isn't a straight 4 dud run...I might be wrong tho



Halloween 4

Why Sure!

Actually, it ranks with the best 80's slasher flicks and is actually superior to the somewhat overrated progenitor of the genre. Whereas the original 1978 "Halloween" was an effective low-key but classy slasher and deserves credit for starting the craze, it wasn't without flaws and "Halloween 4" (1) fixes those issues and (2) improves upon its strengths.

For instance, while the original takes place during Halloween in Illinois, you certainly wouldn't know it by the footage since it clearly looks like summer. "Halloween 4," by contrast, definitely looks like it takes place during the fall and has an all-around superior Halloween ambiance with trick-or-treaters and so forth. Another example is the original's lack of drive and the fact that Michael only kills a few teenagers and doesn't seem all that formidable whilst this film features a mounting build-up of suspense and potently conveys Michael's deadly formidableness while upping the ante in the body count.

Other advances includes the lack of lame dialogue -- like in the original when the girls were walking home -- and Dr. Loomis has much more interesting things to do than lurk in the bushes by the Myers' dilapidated abode speaking ridiculously ominous words. When Loomis speaks portentously in "Halloween 4" there's great reason to believe him. Take, for instance, what happens to the Police Station.

Yet another (arguable) improvement is the women: Although Jamie Lee Curtis, Nancy Kyes and PJ Soles were fine in the original, "Halloween 4" has winsome Ellie Cornell as Rachel and alluring Kathleen Kinmont as Kelly and the movie wisely takes advantage of their presence in a classy way. Rachel may not strike you as anything special at first, but as the story progresses she emerges as an attractive and noble final girl.


I watched HW4 for first time last night (previously only having seen the opening and ending on utube ) have been rewatching some of the HWs over past couple of weeks (H20, H18) and yeh HW4 definitely was pretty good despite the mask being bad (then again its just what Michael could find in the shop lol). the opening credits has a really atmospheric/ominous feel that screams 'halloween time' and having Pleasence back makes it as genuine a HW film as having JLC back for H20/H18. and the end is quite chilling.

am going to watch HW5 tonight for first time :)


Star Wars (the prequels all sucked, the animated movie, Force Awakens was ok, but gets worse with repeated viewings, Rogue One is perhaps the best one they've released since Return Of The Jedi... Last Jedi and Solo are complete sh!t)... I don't know about their box office performance, I guess Phantom Menace and Force Awakens grossed what was expected from them, since they broke records upon release.


Star Wars


Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Force Awakens, Rogue One, Last Jedi, Solo


I have a feeling its going to be EIGHT IN A ROW!: in a few weeks.


I don't have a feeling, I KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!


I searched my feelings I know it to be true.
