

What's the news???

We already knew that mainstream media would say that Wokeminator would be the best thing since Citizen Kane. And they did, so they can keep their jobs. Attaboys.


The fuck, are you stalking me dude?That's just creepy.



Please, explain yourself.


Me? You're following me from one board to the next copying and pasting the same response when discussing Terminator. From my point of view, you're stalking me.


You posted exactly the same thread twice, at the same time, once in the Dark Fate forum and once in the General Forum. After watching your thread in the General Forum I went to the Dark Fate subforum to see if there was something new and, surprise, surprise!!, I saw you had cloned the thread!!.

So I cloned my answer.

It seems you can clone the thread and that's OK, but.. if I clone my answer, that's 'stalking'!.

Ah, SJWs and logic...


SJW logic? Where the fuck did that come from? What the hell are you talking about? Get a grip man, you do know you don't have to see the movie if it offends you so much without even seeing it. I can't believe I'm even responding to this shit.

SJW logic? Get help dude.


That's just creepy [...] Get a grip man [...] if it offends you so much without even seeing it [...] responding to this shit [...] Get help dude

You seem a little nervous XD


Not at all, just wondering why you're still talking to me.
