When I said that you can't make more 'The Terminator (1984)' movies, I didn't imply there was something morally wrong at attempting it; I just meant it's technically impossible.
You have to cheat and alter the whole thing so much to make it work that you might as well call it something else.
The movie I mentioned has such a TIGHT story, it doesn't have room for expansion in ANY direction. You can't add characters, because we already know the main characters. Any other characters wouldn't be interesting, and would be happening too far away from the main story.
You can't make a prequel, because nothing Sarah did before the events would be interesting, so telling THAT story would be completely pointless and mundane.
You can't make a 'after the main story' story, because the future after the war ends, is just a depressing dystopia, and the main interest is gone. It would be just some boring 'how they rebuild the world after the war' type thing, that would probably be more interesting as a documentary about WW2 aftermath (Japan, for example).
And you can't add anything substancial, it was all told. You can't remove anything, because it would cripple the interesting part.
So you can only alter and mutilate what was good, so at best, you get a soulless kid-pleaser in the form of 'T2', where they went big-budget-overboard and "introduced a new terminator", like they were introducing a new Pokémon or something.
(And masses lapped it up, of course)
Arnold doesn't make a movie good - a good story, competently told, does.
So yeah.. nothing morally wrong (necessarily), but it's just not doable. You have to tell some OTHER story anyway, even if you use the same characters, so you might as well give us something completely new (which would probably be more interesting story anyway, because it wouldn't be limited by the restrainys of the previous story).