MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Nothing wrong with making more terminato...

Nothing wrong with making more terminator movies

Nothing wrong with making more terminator movies, they even got arnold in almost all of them. the problem with genysis and this one is obvious.... they are stuffing the female bullshit agenda down our throats, and nobody likes that.


I think they make these movies for ladies because they don't pirate movies like the guys do. I've also talked to a couple of women who go see several movies at the theaters every month..I'm a guy I used to go see movies all the time but I think I've been to maybe 3 or 4 movies in the last 5 years.
So, yes women and girls are the paying audiences nowadays so they market the movies towards them.
Hollywood may seem like a bunch of SJW's but they're just whores like everyone else, they cater to their audience.


hmm, could be right.
a shame, guess if your want real movies these days, you will have to literally go back in time and see all the 80's and 90's flicks.

lucky no time machine is needed for that lol


Women were hardly in the big 80's movies, they were simply added as love interests or something similar. Back to the Future? Love interest. Platoon? Rape/murder victims. Empire Strikes Back? Love/incest. Star Trek movies? barely around. Predators? 10 second cameo lol. Total Recall? nasty divorce/trophy girlfriend. Indiana Jones? silly love interest/henpecking girlfriend/nazi bitch.


well, the movies were great. and Total Recall? sharon = the best


I think Total Recall in 1990 was the peak of the movies for me. Any movie directed by Paul Verhoeven looked fantastic, I don't know how he did it to this day. Total Recall looked the best, I can still remember being in awe in the theater at how Sharon Stone, Rachael Ticotin, and Arnie looked on the big screen, all with a futuristic sci-fi background. I was on a base in S. Korea that summer and I remember waiting in line around the block to see Total Recall, one of the few times I could stand being in a big room with G.I.'s this case the movie was so anticipated everyone was extremely well behaved. That same summer we also saw Hunt for Red October and Back to the Future III as well. The next summer I was stationed in Miami and saw Terminator 2 and Point Break so that was great as well. Those were the days, never to be repeated.


"Empire Strikes Back"

You honestly pick the Star Wars-trilogy (yes, I said it) as an example of 'not strong women'? Heh. Princess Leia isn't a 'strong woman' in your opinion? How do you even justify that?

What the heck is "PredatorS"? Do you mean "Predator"?

I noticed you didn't mention Alien, Aliens, Tomb Raider, The Terminator, A Chinese Ghost Story (the MAN is weak in this movie, all the women are super strong, and it's an eighties movie), Can't Buy Me Love (the women are dominating in this movie), Charlie's Angels (this was even a TV show in the seventies, about three very strong women!), Commando (even a little girl is strong and resourceful, but the adult woman is absolutely powerful and essential in the story), Conan the Barbarian (the female fighter saves Conan's life, and there are many strong women), Ernest Goes to Camp (the woman doc is one of the strongest characters in the movie) - heck, even Rambo: First Blood Part II has a strong woman in it!

So yeah, you can list movies that don't seem to have strong women, but women were a lot in the 'big 1980s movies' (whatever this means), you are just being dishonest and not looking at the.. big picture.


I mean, there are -so- many movies, where a woman saves the day, or women are essential and overpowering. They're always slapping men on the cheeks or kicking them in the nuts - but we never see the reverse. So who is really the strong one, the one that can kick the other, or the one that can't?

Also, what's so great about woman being essential or strong in a movie anyway? Does EVERY single story and plot ABSOLUTELY have to have a crucial female involvement? Can't ANY story be told, where women aren't the be-all and end-all of the story/movie/plot/etc.?

I mean, why can't Back to the Future happen mostly between Marty and Doc? It's fun, they have good energy together, and it's a great movie - would it -really- benefit the movie to artificially shove a female in the middle of it JUST so you could say 'women are important in movies'?

What's this woman-praising anyway? Femaleness (just like maleness) is just an attribute of the human body. Not a quality of a human's soul, and definitely not the quality of a script / movie / story.

Women are not necessarily essential to any movie - but having said that, they can easily be part of any movie, if the story needs them to do so. I don't mind seeing women in movies - strong, weak, who cares.

I mind if story is butchered JUST so a female can be shoved in.

We are all human first, the body is temporary and less important. Why can't we worship the story instead of the gender of 50% of humanity's bodies?

Men and women are complementary energies, like Yin and Yang. It's insanity to just look at Yin and wonder why there isn't 'enough Yin' in movies.

There should be movies without women altogether, movies without men altogether, and movies with pretty much equal amount of both. That would be equality.

But all that takes ALWAYS back seat to a good story. If the story requires less or no women, so be it. If it requires more women, so be it. As long as the story is good, it will be a good movie, whatever the gender ratio!


How can you say that Terminator is an excellent franchise being unnecessarily watered down due to Hollywood greed. If you can't make a good Terminator movie don't make one. If you want mindless action go watch Chuck Norris movies.


Where the fuck have you been? They always had strong female characters in these movies.


When I said that you can't make more 'The Terminator (1984)' movies, I didn't imply there was something morally wrong at attempting it; I just meant it's technically impossible.

You have to cheat and alter the whole thing so much to make it work that you might as well call it something else.

The movie I mentioned has such a TIGHT story, it doesn't have room for expansion in ANY direction. You can't add characters, because we already know the main characters. Any other characters wouldn't be interesting, and would be happening too far away from the main story.

You can't make a prequel, because nothing Sarah did before the events would be interesting, so telling THAT story would be completely pointless and mundane.

You can't make a 'after the main story' story, because the future after the war ends, is just a depressing dystopia, and the main interest is gone. It would be just some boring 'how they rebuild the world after the war' type thing, that would probably be more interesting as a documentary about WW2 aftermath (Japan, for example).

And you can't add anything substancial, it was all told. You can't remove anything, because it would cripple the interesting part.

So you can only alter and mutilate what was good, so at best, you get a soulless kid-pleaser in the form of 'T2', where they went big-budget-overboard and "introduced a new terminator", like they were introducing a new Pokémon or something.

(And masses lapped it up, of course)

Arnold doesn't make a movie good - a good story, competently told, does.

So yeah.. nothing morally wrong (necessarily), but it's just not doable. You have to tell some OTHER story anyway, even if you use the same characters, so you might as well give us something completely new (which would probably be more interesting story anyway, because it wouldn't be limited by the restrainys of the previous story).
