how a teaser trailer would get me excited
black screen..
brad fiedel mournful synth score (T2 opening)..
city scape could be present day could be 1997 ....then nuclear war/mushroom cloud - camera pan out to see its planet wide (bit like end of T3/start of TG but not recycled footage)
fade to black/silence..
Linda Hamilton VO from T2 (but Linda now): 'Three billion human lives ended on August 29th. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines.'
brad fiedels T2 future war score
quick cuts/fade to black showing various scenes: epic Cameronesque blue night battle fields/pink plasma fire coming from multiple aerial/tank HKs and T800 endos (looks exactly like T1/T2 future war but even grander epic scale than T2s opening). 1984 Arnie assembly line (not just legs but no need to see Arnies face as its just teaser). brief glimpse of 1984 Michael Biehn. time chamber (different looking to TG). liquid metal slithering forms into 1991 Robert Patrick (just a fraction of a second see his face). T2 spike hair Arnold crouching about to be sent back in time (again no see his face - bit like TG opening) as brief close up on John Conners face (same guy from start of T2)
(basically like start of Genisys 2029 but like 1000 times better like had Cameron directed T3 in 1999)
then fade to black/music fades
Linda Hamilton VO: 'that was the past'..
'this.. is the future..'
present day: jeep/truck driving into the mountains as in end of pans the back seat an arsenal of weapons (rocket launchers, M16s, shotguns, boxes of ammo/mags/grenades, handguns incl a .45 longslide .. next to an Uzi 9mm we see a CPU chip from a T800 in a glass like tube..). VO: 'there is no fate.. only darkness' - then camera pans to the driver - present day Sarah Conner..
fade to black/Brad Fidels Terminator beats 'duh-dun-dun-dun-dun' continuous (without going into the Terminator score)
James Cameron Presents..
[R rating visible in end credits]
coming Nov 2019