Laughable Fight Tactics
Anybody that knows anything about boxing knows the tactics Rocky had Adonis employ were the exact opposite of what a trainer would have a fighter do in this matchup. Adonis moves up from light heavy to heavy. He was fighting a man much much larger and stronger. Adonis’ advantages were speed and quickness. What does Rocky have him do to “turn the tables”? Trains him to stand his ground and plant one foot in the center of the ring and trade bombs in close quarters?! WTF. NO! They clearly think the average viewer is a moron. Which is probably true. What would really happen in this sort of matchup is smaller, faster fighter would be on the move on the outside at all times, jabbing, moving, negating. Trying to avoid a brawl. NOT instigate one. Truly ridiculous. But as I said the average viewer doesn’t understand this and that’s ok. It’s a movie and it hits the right emotional notes.