Soooooooo fake

Sad that network execs assume the viewing public to be so stupid.

This entire thing was as staged as those numerous Discovery "reality" dramas.

The closed circuit footage was all faked, as was the ATM footage.

The calendar was fake, as nobody chisels that hard into paper to make the indents visible for TV.

No reality camera carries a spare night vision rig for fun.

Not even real law enforcement can get multiple interception teams and 10 camera coverage at a bus station in another city with 30 minutes notice. And those cameras wouldn't be feeding a live edited event package back to aquarium style hunter headquarters in real time for trackers to be watching and applauding.

Banks and other institutions don't just serve up their footage without federal warrants, and they certainly don't have that footage formatted for high definition and sound.

A stakeout isn't going to note a single car driving down the busiest main road and get a gut instinct about it.

They even kept using B roll of traffic detectors, which aren't cameras!

It could have been an interesting experiment or game, but it's just too fake.


I'm sure they're not going for authenticity. They're just desensitizing the public. Showing they can track and find you regardless. Our privacy laws are being shredded as we speak.


Some of the items, like the calendar and the ATM footage, were totally recreated for the camera...

*insert clever signature here*


Those of you spewing the world 'fake' are so impressive and mighty to have figured it out... give me a break.

It says at the End of the Credits that many scenes are replicated from what originally happened--which means they tell you it's a reenactment. They're not trying to hide it. Still an awesome show, I'd love to play sometime.


Not fake. It's actually very real. Your post shows that A) You're not paying much attention to the show because EVERYTHING you said is explained in the show and B) you know NOTHING about how law enforcement works.

Epic fail on your part.


Your trolling is tedious.


Congratulations on pointing out stuff that's been going back and forth on the top page of this forum for the last few weeks now.

Do try to keep up with the program


Fom wikipedia:

The show was filmed without the assistance of government or law enforcement. While the investigative techniques shown are real, some procedures have been replicated for broadcast.

Some information the hunters obtained—such as the Enterprise rental agreement and the car’s location—came from the production itself, provided to the hunters when they requested it. Also that participants granted access in advance to their personal records, homes and phones, and then that information was meted out to the hunters the same way it would have been during an actual investigation.

There was a clear firewall between the hunter team and fugitive team. The production team did considerable research to ensure that the requests and receipt of information simulated what would happen in the real world, such as waiting for a subpoena. And the hunters had to make proper requests, and were sometimes denied information by the production team.

Closed circuit and ATM video in my city is crystal clear. Every time some idiot commits a crime, their face is plastered all over the TV and front page of the newspapers.

I know people who write very hard and have seen the impression go several pages deep. Easily seen on TV especially if you use pencil to highlight it.

I would assume they would carry night vision since they're shooting at night.

A single car heading out of town late at night from a small town would raise flags. They should've done that during the day.

Banks and other institutions can release video if the person has agreed. All contestants probably signed agreements and waivers before the hunt began or it was recreated.

The contestants can only travel within a certain area. Depends how many people working in the fields.


> Closed circuit and ATM video in my city is crystal clear. Every time some idiot commits a crime, their face is plastered all over the TV and front page of the newspapers.

Read the Wiki article again. While the show is real and the players are really playing a game, most of the footage in the show is recreated and uses camera tricks to look like real police work. I mean, you can't have a cameraman everywhere.

Remember that this show makes everything seem a little more dramatic than the way that it probably happened. The show admits that they recreate scenes and sometimes purposely mislead the audience.

A number of times I caught the editors using regular cameraman footage, coloring it blue, and then making it look like grainy security camera footage. And once they played a "live" "wiretap" recording of a woman on the phone. But, it was obviously audio taken from earlier footage.

The editors work hard to turn bland footage into exciting police work.

And, they do sort-of cheat. For example, in another thread, someone was complaining about how well the hunters could un-pixelate the license plate so well and so fast. Well, here's the thing. They already knew the plate number of that black SUV by asking for it from the "DMV". And that's how they tracked the girls.

But, that's boring, so, months after filming, they took some unused footage of the girls' car, pixelated it, and then unpixelated it right before our very eyes! Amazing.

And, see? They did track down the girls by searching highways and parking lots for the plate number. They just kind of embellished the story of how they figured out what the plate number was.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
